FY 2024 Annual Small Business Awards Program
The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) is pleased to announce the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Annual Small Business Awards Program. Awards will be made to program elements, power marketing administrations, facility management contractors, small business program managers (SBPMs), and small businesses that have demonstrated exceptional performance during FY 2024. The Annual Small Business Awards Program is an excellent opportunity to recognize Federal or contractor employees for their performance and dedication. The awards will be presented during the 2025 DOE Small Business Forum & Expo (June 25-26, 2025 | Chicago, IL).
Program and Background: DOE seeks to continue growing its engagement with small businesses to further Agency missions. DOE works to meet its Small Business Administration (SBA) established goals for four socioeconomic categories: Small Disadvantaged, Service-Disabled Veteran Owned, Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZone), and Women-Owned small businesses. Additionally, the Department’s Mentor-Protégé Program is a vehicle for cultivating small businesses for DOE missions.
Program and Background: DOE seeks to continue growing its engagement with small businesses to further Agency missions. DOE works to meet its Small Business Administration (SBA) established goals for four socioeconomic categories: Small Disadvantaged, Service-Disabled Veteran Owned, Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZone), and Women-Owned small businesses. Additionally, the Department’s Mentor-Protégé Program is a vehicle for cultivating small businesses for DOE missions.
DOE’s Annual Small Business Awards Program recognizes the outstanding performance of people and organizations that promote and expand the Department’s use of small businesses. The awards will be presented to small businesses, program elements, SBPMs, contracting officers, and Facility Management Contractors (FMCs).
Participation: Participation is open to DOE program elements and power marketing administrations, facility management contractors, small business program managers, small business prime contractors, Federal and contractor acquisition personnel, and DOE mentors and protégés. Note: Western Area Power Administration and Southwestern Power Administration are the only power administrations eligible to participate in the awards program.
Submitting a Nomination: Below is general guidance on submitting a nomination.
- Nominations are for DOE personnel (Federal or contractor) and small businesses that work with the Department or Management and Operating (M&O) contractors.
- Valid nominations shall only be submitted through Federal or contractor SBPMs, contracting officers and specialists. A list of DOE’s SBPMs may be found on OSDBU’s website: Small Business Program Managers (SBPMs) Directory.
- Please consider when writing a nomination:
1. Focus on FY 2024 accomplishments only.
2. Organize your nomination the same as the criteria for the award.
3. Relate actions with results and mission accomplishments.
4. Use statistics to support accomplishments. Do not attach data tables or charts.
5. The character limit is 3,935 (this includes spaces). - A company or an individual may be nominated for only one award category. For example, company GoBo, Inc. is a Woman-Owned Small Business. You may choose to nominate GoBo, Inc. in either the Woman-Owned Small Business of the Year, Small Business of the Year, Mentor of the Year or Protégé of the Year award category.
- Award nominations will be accepted from January 13 through February 13, 2025.
- The SBPMs are responsible for initially assessing any nominations received from outside participants and for ensuring that the nominations are submitted in a timely manner by
11:59 PM (EST) February 13, 2025. - All business entities must be in good standing with the U.S. Department of Energy and with all Federal procurement guidelines to include the Excluded Parties Listing System (EPLS). The nominator must verify and validate that the nominated business entity has an up-to-date or current reporting status in the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) that reflects a positive report.
- A nominee for any of the small business award categories must own or operate a business defined as “small” for its primary industry under the applicable SBA size standards. Nominees must also be residents of the United States or its territories. All businesses that are nominated must comply with all applicable Federal laws.
- To obtain access to the awards submission portal, please contact Ms. Anita Anderson, Public and Outreach Engagement Specialist ([email protected]).
Evaluation Committee: An Evaluation Committee will be selected to review, rate, and determine the award recipients. The committee will consist of DOE senior level government employees. Each nomination will be evaluated by the committee based on a performance grading scale. To ensure objectivity, OSDBU recuses Evaluation Committee members from voting on nominees that work within their program office.
FY 2024 Annual Small Business Awards Program: Award Categories
Federal Small Business Program Manager of the Year
Description: Recognizes an individual who embodies the many facets of an energetic, forward-thinking, DOE small business program manager. His or her efforts far exceed expectations in working with, advocating for, and assisting to increase utilization of small businesses.
Criteria: Meets or exceeds the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) Scorecard small business goals and/or the following criteria:
- Implements strategies to increase the value of competitively awarded contracts to small businesses.
- Advocates and obtains top-level agency commitment to small business contracting.
- Executes significant events to increase small business participation in the procurement process.
- Demonstrates that policies and procedures are in place to ensure compliance with prime forecast goals or subcontracting plans and attainment of related goals.
- Plans training for contracting staff/managers to better execute small business/socioeconomic procurements.
- Collaborates with SBA, other agencies, or community groups on formulation of small business procurement policy initiatives.
- Submits all plans and reports due to SBA.
- Creates/Implements new outcome-focused initiatives that enhance competencies and capabilities of small business supplier base.
- Develops new markets for small business – identifying and creating opportunities for small business participation within programs not previously performed by small business.
Federal Contracting Officer of the Year
Description: Award recognizes an individual who has demonstrated outstanding small business achievements as a contracting officer; demonstrated ability to identify and overcome challenges; and continuously seeks self-development and leadership opportunities to promote socioeconomic programs.
- Collaborates effectively between the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU), local small business program manager, and local SBA procurement center representative – leading to new small business contract awards.
- Exceptional pre-award and/or post-award actions related to DOE’s Small Business Program with results supporting overall DOE mission and objectives.
- Communicates the importance of DOE Small Business First Policy (DOE P 547.1A) to all program office clients.
- Promotes Category Management solutions consistent with the Small Business Act and other statutory socioeconomic responsibilities.
- Expands subcontracting opportunities throughout the solicitation process and negotiates challenging subcontracting goals.
Federal Procurement Director of the Year
Description: Holds the position of managing the operations of a federal procurement organization for an operations office or program office (title such as procurement director, purchasing director, Head of Contracting Activity, etc.). The successful candidate has displayed leadership and commitment to maximizing small businesses utilization through policies, procedures, outreach, and creating an atmosphere of “small business first” throughout his or her organization. Candidate selection criteria will be based on a balance of objective results-oriented measures and created/implemented policies, programs and practices promoting small business.
- Dollar and/or percentage increases in small business obligations.
- Percentage increase of small business awards versus large business awards from the previous year.
- Significant small business contract awards supporting line missions or support functions.
- New or updated socioeconomic operating policies and programs.
- Procedures or systems that focus program offices and buyers to consider small business first.
- Building community and small business development through outreach efforts.
- Creating or expanding small business use in non-traditional functional areas.
Facility Management Contractor (FMC) Small Business Program Manager of the Year
Description: Recognizes an individual within a DOE facility who embodies the many facets of an energetic, forward-thinking small business program manager. His or her efforts far exceed expectations in working with, advocating for, and assisting in the increased utilization of small businesses.
- Implements strategies to increase the value of competitively awarded contracts to small businesses.
- Advocates and obtains top-level agency commitment to small business contracting.
- Executes significant events to increase small business participation in the procurement process.
- Demonstrates that small business data is accurately reported in Federal Procurement Data System–Next Generation (FPDS-NG).
- Demonstrates that policies and procedures are in place to ensure compliance with prime forecast goals or subcontracting plans and attainment of related goals.
- Plans training for contracting staff/managers to better execute small business/socioeconomic procurements.
- Collaborates with SBA, other agencies, or community groups on formulation of small business procurement policy initiatives.
- Submits all plans and reports due to SBA.
- Creates/Implements new outcome-focused initiatives that enhance competencies and capabilities of small business supplier base.
- Develops new markets for small business identifying and creating opportunities for small business participation within programs not previously performed by small business.
FMC Contracting Officer of the Year
Description: Award recognizes an individual who has demonstrated outstanding small business achievements as a contracting officer; demonstrated ability to identify and overcome challenges; and continuously seeks self-development and leadership opportunities to promote socioeconomic programs.
- Collaborates effectively between the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU), local small business program manager, and local SBA procurement center representative – leading to new small business contract awards.
- Exceptional pre-award and/or post-award actions related to DOE’s Small Business Program with results supporting overall DOE mission and objectives.
- Communicates the importance of Small Business First Policy (DOE P 547.1A) to all FMC program clients within his/her site/laboratory.
- Leverages market research tools in partnership with the site Small Business Program Manager to expand small business subcontracting opportunities.
FMC Procurement Director of the Year
Description: Holds the position of managing the operations of a procurement organization for a management and operating (M&O) contractor. The successful candidate has displayed leadership and commitment to maximizing small businesses utilization through policies, procedures, outreach, and creating an atmosphere of “small business first” throughout his or her organization. Candidate selection will be based on a balance of objective results-oriented measures and created/implemented policies, programs and practices promoting small business.
- Dollar and/or percentage increases in small business obligations (may use Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System (eSRS), Individual Subcontracting Report (ISR), Summary Subcontracting Report (SSR) information or other fact-based data systems).
- Percentage increase of small business contract awards supporting line missions or support functions.
- New or updated socioeconomic operating policies.
- Procedures or systems that focus program offices and buyers to consider small business first.
- Building community and small business development through outreach efforts.
- Creating or expanding small business use in non-traditional functional areas.
Mentor of the Year*
Description: Recognizes the efforts of a DOE Mentor that has exceeded the requirements of their Mentor-Protégé agreement. These results have enhanced the protégés ability to successfully compete for federal contracts.
- Accomplishments exceed the Mentor/Protégé agreement.
- Protégé demonstrates growth and self-empowerment through the Mentor/Protégé program.
Protégé of the Year*
Description: Recognizes the significant development of a DOE Protégé that has enhanced its ability to successfully compete for federal contracts through its participation in the DOE Mentor/Protégé program.
- Accomplishments exceed the Mentor/Protégé agreement.
- Protégé demonstrates growth and self-empowerment through the Mentor/Protégé program.
8(a)/Small Disadvantaged Business of the Year*
Description: This award recognizes the outstanding performance of a small business, certified by the U.S. Small Business Administration’s 8(a) and/or Small Disadvantaged Business programs, for their exceptional performance in activities contributing to core DOE mission accomplishments.
Criteria: Recipient excels beyond expectations or contract requirements by providing:
- Creative or unique solutions to DOE requirements.
- Extraordinary customer service, and/or significant value (schedule and budget related).
- Productivity and efficiency gains.
- Innovative ideas to the specific project and/or task being performed.
- Cost, time, and manpower savings for the Department.
Woman-Owned Small Business of the Year*
Description: Recognizes the exceptional performance of a Woman-Owned small business directly contributing to the accomplishments of core DOE mission objectives and requirements.
Criteria: Recipient excels beyond expectations or contract requirements by providing:
- Creative or unique solutions to DOE requirements.
- Extraordinary customer service, and/or significant value (schedule and budget related).
- Productivity and efficiency gains.
- Innovative ideas to the specific project and/or task being performed.
- Cost, time, and manpower savings for the Department.
HUBZone Small Business of the Year*
Description: Recognizes the excellence of a small business, certified by the U.S. Small Business Administration as located and operating within a Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone), directly contributing to core DOE mission accomplishments.
Criteria: Recipient excels beyond expectations or contract requirements by providing:
- Creative or unique solutions to DOE requirements.
- Extraordinary customer service, and/or significant value (schedule and budget related).
- Productivity and efficiency gains.
- Innovative ideas to the specific project and/or task being performed.
- Cost, time, and manpower savings for the Department.
Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business of the Year*
Description: Recognizes the exceptional performance of a Service-Disabled, Veteran-Owned small business directly facilitating the advancement of core DOE mission objectives and requirements.
Criteria: Recipient excels beyond expectations or contract requirements by providing:
- Creative or unique solutions to DOE requirements.
- Extraordinary customer service, and/or significant value (schedule and budget related).
- Productivity and efficiency gains.
- Innovative ideas to the specific project and/or task being performed.
- Cost, time, and manpower savings for the Department.
SBIR/STTR Small Business of the Year*
Description: Recognizes a U.S. small business that exemplifies the spirit of DOE’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs by strengthening and expanding its high-technology research and development (R&D) competitiveness at the Department and/or in the marketplace. SBIR/STTR small business nominations will be evaluated using demonstrated exceptional performance from time of SBIR/STTR award to the present.
Criteria: Recipient excels at one or more of the following:
- Stimulating U.S. technological innovation and enhancing the nation’s return on its DOE SBIR/STTR investment.
- Providing the DOE and/or its national laboratories, research facilities, or university research partners the benefits of commercial applications derived from DOE SBIR/STTR funded R&D.
- Stimulating U.S. economic growth and/or increasing private-sector commercialization of innovations as a result or in part of DOE SBIR/STTR funded R&D.
Small Business of the Year*
Description: Recognizes the creative, unique, and extraordinary performance of a small business which has significantly and directly impacted core DOE mission objectives and requirements.
Criteria: Recipient excels beyond expectations or contract requirements by providing:
- Creative or unique solutions to DOE requirements.
- Extraordinary customer service, and/or significant value (schedule and budget related).
- Productivity and efficiency gains.
- Innovative ideas to the specific project and/or task being performed.
- Cost, time, and manpower savings for the Department.
Large Business Subcontracting Excellence Award*
Description: Recognizes a large business contractor for exceptional performance in advancing small business subcontracting excellence, with a focus on providing significant opportunities to socioeconomic small businesses. The award highlights successful partnerships that empower small businesses, including women-owned small businesses, small disadvantaged businesses, service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses, and HUBZone small businesses to contribute meaningfully to DOE’s mission objectives and requirements.
Criteria: Recipient demonstrates outstanding commitment to small business subcontracting by:
- Providing substantial, meaningful, and measurable subcontracting opportunities to small and socioeconomic businesses.
- Promoting innovative partnerships that enable small businesses to deliver creative, unique, and value-added solutions to DOE mission-related work.
- Achieving measurable success in supporting small business contributions, such as productivity gains, cost savings, or schedule efficiencies.
- Facilitating mentorship, development, and capacity-building initiatives to strengthen small business capabilities and competitiveness.
- Demonstrating an unwavering commitment to socioeconomic small business inclusion, resulting in tangible and impactful contributions to DOE programs, objectives, and small business goal achievements.
*All business entities must be in good standing with the U.S. Department of Energy and with all Federal procurement guidelines to include the Excluded Parties Listing System (EPLS). The nominator must verify and validate that the nominated business entity has an up-to-date or current reporting status in the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) that reflects a positive report.
A nominee for any of the small business award categories must own or operate a business defined as “small” for its primary industry under the applicable SBA size standards. Nominees must also be residents of the United States or its territories. All businesses that are nominated must comply with all applicable Federal laws.
Nominations will be accepted from January 13 through February 13, 2025. To obtain access to the awards submission portal, please contact Ms. Anita Anderson, Public and Outreach Engagement Specialist ([email protected]).
FY 2023 Annual Small Business Awards Program - Award Recipients
The Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 DOE Annual Small Business Awards ceremony took place on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, during the 2024 DOE Small Business Forum & Expo. The awards were presented by Ron Pierce, Director, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, and Dr. Malik Yoba, Chief Executive Officer, Yoba Development, Entrepreneur/Real Estate Developer. Below are the award recipients of the FY 2023 Annual Small Business Awards Program.
1. Federal Small Business Program Manager of the Year:
This award recognizes an individual who embodies the many facets of an energetic, forward-thinking, DOE small business program manager. His or her efforts far exceed expectations in working with, advocating for, and assisting to increase utilization of small businesses.
Award Recipient: Chelsea Murphy, NNSA Small Business Program Manager, National Nuclear Security Administration, Kirkland AFB, New Mexico
Awardee Description: Throughout FY 2023, Mrs. Chelsea Murphy served as DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA’s) Small Business Program Manager by directly supporting NNSA’s commitment to expand its socioeconomic programs and implementing strategies to increase the value of all contracts awarded to small business entities.
First and foremost, she advocated for all small business entities across NNSA (including Prime subcontracts with M&O partners) which resulted in NNSA exceeding its combined prime/subcontracting small business goals. Secondly, she was essential in finalizing the competitive M&O Pantex RFP criterion for release as a contributing member of the evaluation team. This contract has many opportunities for small business participation, partnering, and mentorship programs primarily due to her influence in the creation of the RFP criteria. The Pantex RFP is due to be awarded in FY 2024 and will easily be the largest NNSA contract award for the entire year estimated at $40B.
Additionally, she assisted in the execution of significant small business outreach events throughout FY 2023 as follows: Primary Speaker at the February 2023 New Mexico Department of Commerce Conference in Albuquerque, NM; Primary Speaker at the March 2023 Energy Technology and Environmental Business Association (ETEBA) Conference & Expo generating significant SB interest in NNSA’s upcoming infrastructure and construction projects in Santa Fe, NM; Primary Speaker at OSDBU WOSB Forum in Livermore, CA in April 2023 supporting local businesses in the area; Presented for the NNSA PAS Symposium in August 2023 related to FY23 Small Business Achievements to contracting staff and contractors alike in Albuquerque, NM; Primary Speaker at Sandia Small Business Forum in August 2023 as the NNSA Small Business Representative; and finally, participated as a Primary Representative at the 2023 DOE Small Business Forum & Expo in July 2023 in New Orleans, LA supporting small businesses all across the country. Mrs. Murphy’s participation in these outreach events as a small business face for NNSA is significant. This participation is directly linked to NNSA’s overall percentage of new awards to small businesses, percentage increase of new awards to other socioeconomic categories, and the overall expansion of small business utilization.
Furthermore, she collaborates heavily with SBA and OSDBU on formulation of small business procurement policy initiatives such as: participating as a group member for the Acquisition Forecast Improvement Working Group that is tasked to develop a one-stop portal for DOE prime and subcontracting opportunities for the small business vendor community; Acts as an OSDBU partner on new small business initiatives including AbilityOne, Category Management, Acquisition Forecasting, eSRS, etc. and acts as an SBA partner regarding NNSA small business goals, 8(a) contract awards, and NNSA best business practices and policy. As a result, NNSA is projected to achieve an SBA Scorecard “A” rating again for FY 2023
2. Federal Contracting Officer of the Year:
Award recognizes an individual who has demonstrated outstanding small business achievements as a contracting officer; demonstrated ability to identify and overcome challenges; and continuously seeks self-development and leadership opportunities to promote socioeconomic programs.
Award Recipient: Kwanita A. Brown, Contracting Officer, National Nuclear Security Administration, Washington, District of Columbia
Awardee Description: Ms. Kwanita Brown is the Contracting Officer (CO) for two new task orders (NEST and CTCP) awarded in support of NNSA’s Office of Counterterrorism and Counterproliferation (NA-80) in September 2023. These task orders involved the acquisition of technical support services for the Nuclear Emergency Support Team (NEST) and the Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Counterterrorism Tabletop Exercise (TTX), Response Support, and Training Programs. Ms. Brown proactively included OSDBU and SBA PCR in the acquisition planning phase and market research process to ensure her actions were in-line with DOE’s small business policy. She worked closely with the NA-80 senior management and staff to develop an acquisition
strategy that provided maximum practicable opportunities for small businesses using NNSA’s TEPS III BPA as the contract vehicle. The TEPS III BPA maintains nine small business-led teams which allows for maximum utilization and participation of small businesses concerns as prime contractors and subcontractors. Ultimately, Ms. Brown’s efforts resulted in the award of the NEST and CTCP task orders to a veteran-owned small business with a total award value of $430M and $184M respectively.
3. Federal Procurement Director of the Year:
This award recognizes the position of managing the operations of a federal procurement organization for an operations office, or program office (title such as procurement director, purchasing director, Head of Contracting Activity, etc.). The successful candidate has displayed leadership and commitment to maximizing small businesses utilization through policies, procedures, outreach, and creating an atmosphere of “small business first” throughout their organization. Candidate selection criteria will be based on a balance of objective results-oriented measures and creating/implemented policies, programs and practices promoting small business.
Award Recipient: Aaron Deckard, Procurement Director, Environmental Management Consolidated Business Center, Cincinnati, Ohio
Awardee Description: Aaron Deckard has been a relentless champion for maintaining and increasing DOE-EM small business obligations, and the numbers from FY23 demonstrate that his support has encouraged impressive results. In FY 2023, DOE-Office of Environmental Management (EM) Prime small business obligations increased by over $500M from $6.99B in FY 2022 to $7.51B in FY 2023. Also in FY 2023, DOE-EM prime contractors’ first-tier Subcontract small business obligations increased by over 100% from $1.01B in FY 2022 to $2.21B in FY 2023. Aaron has been a relentless champion for maintaining and increasing DOE-EM small business obligations, and the
numbers from FY 2023 demonstrate that his support has encouraged impressive results.
DOE-EM has enjoyed a significant increase in the percentage of prime contracting dollars obligated for small businesses. For small businesses as a whole, the obligations increased from 9.70% in FY 2022 to 15.30% in FY 2023. At the same time, DOE-EM saw percentage increases in WOSB, HUBZone, and SDVOSB prime awards during FY 2023 versus FY 2022.
Thanks in no small part to Aaron’s support, EM recently introduced small business new goals, making commitments to Indian tribally-owned business and AbilityOne contractors, in addition to SBA’s Small Business Goals for DOE.
Aaron has championed EM and EMCBC’s significantly increased participation in small business outreach events. EM has increased engagement efforts at numerous events, even if the attendance itself was not new for FY 2023.
4. Facility Management Contractor (FMC) Small Business Program Manager of the Year:
This award recognizes an individual within a DOE facility who embodies the many facets of an energetic, forward-thinking small business program manager. His or her efforts far exceed expectations in working with, advocating for, and assisting in the increased utilization of small businesses.
Award Recipient: Karen West, Small Business Program Manager, Kansas City National Security Campus managed by Honeywell, Kansas City, Missouri
Awardee Description: Karen West, Small Business Program Manager, exceeded the Kansas City National Security Campus’s (KCNSC’s) expectations in leading her high-performing Small Business Team in advocating for and increasing small business utilization. KCNSC’s small business spend grew to a record $550M in FY 2023, which equated to 40% growth over the past five years. The Small Business Team developed a monthly purchasing department dashboard in FY 2023 that contained targets and actual small business performance by purchasing department for all six socio-economic goals. In addition, the team created a quarterly Strategic Sourcing Impact Report that showed how Strategic Sourcing impacted KCNSC small business performance
by placing IDIQs for production parts.
Karen maintained top-level commitment to small business contracting by advocating for small business through KCNSC’s Small Business Steering Committee, which is comprised of senior leaders. Those leaders then flowed the small business requirements down in their respective areas of spend.
In FY 2023, the Small Business Team participated in 13 in-person small business outreach events including 3 national and 3 regional events. As a result, KCNSC added 408 suppliers to its Potential Supplier List. Karen and her team provided a two-part small business class to all new buyers at KCNSC. Additionally, they provided an engaging, interactive virtual class that served as an annual refresher for the KCNSC buyers on small business requirements and procedures. In FY 2023, Karen’s team also provided quarterly buyer training on small business topics. Karen participated with the NNSA sites on the Small Business Program Resource Center, which collaborated and combined input and feedback on small business policy initiatives. As the most-tenured FMC SBPM at an NNSA site, Karen frequently mentored other SBPMs on various aspects of their Small Business Programs.
In FY 2023 Karen served on a DOE MPP Working Group to help improve the DOE Mentor Protégé Program. Karen was on the leadership team for the KCNSC Supplier Summit, which included over 150 suppliers. Her Small Business Team created and distributed an eNewsletter containing resources and information for KCNSC small business suppliers.
5. FMC Contracting Officer of the Year:
This award recognizes an individual who has demonstrated outstanding small business achievements as a contracting officer; demonstrated ability to identify and overcome challenges; and continuously seeks self-development and leadership opportunities to promote socioeconomic programs.
Award Recipient: Albert Wilcox, Manager, Construction and Fabrication Acquisitions, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho
Awardee Description: Albert Wilcox is a contracting officer for Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC and the manager of the Construction and Fabrication Acquisitions organization at Idaho National Laboratory (INL). He is a proud graduate of the University of Wyoming. His professional career experience includes corporate accounting in the mining industry, finance and contracts in the Naval Reactors Program, and several years in Acquisition and Contracts Management at INL. Albert participated in the Battelle Business Leadership Program and in 2018 he received an INL Laboratory Director's Award for his contributions on the Remote-Handled Low- Level Waste Disposal Facility project.
Albert Wilcox and his team of contracting officers supported INL infrastructure needs utilizing business relationships with many subcontracted sources. They successfully awarded 100% of all FY 2023 new construction contracts to small businesses; this was nearly $113M in new awards. Albert and his team achieved their goal of including small businesses on all construction solicitations issued. This is a significant accomplishment considering the growing construction portfolio and highly technical mission at INL. The average construction award at INL in FY 2023 was $1M, including three construction projects greater than $15M, all awarded to small businesses.
Wilcox along with his team partnered with the BEA Small Business Program Manager to host an onsite Industry Day for Construction in January 2023 and an event in Boise with the Idaho Association of General Contractors. These events included a construction vendor fair, INL construction presentations, and networking opportunities for small businesses. These events resulted in a 14% increase of bidders on solicitations. His team also engages with the Idaho Association of General Contractors and the Eastern Idaho Contractors Association to provide information and assistance to local small construction firms.
6. FMC Procurement Director of the Year:
This award recognizes an individual who holds the position of managing the operations of a federal procurement organization for an operations office or program office (title such as procurement director, purchasing director, Head of Contracting Activity, etc.). The successful candidate has displayed leadership and commitment to maximizing small businesses utilization through policies, procedures, outreach, and creating an atmosphere of “small business first” throughout his or her organization. Candidate selection criteria will be based on a balance of objective results-oriented measures and created/implemented policies, programs and practices promoting small business.
Award Recipient: Ron Casper, Procurement/Subcontracts Manager, Four Rivers Nuclear Partnership, LLC, Kevil, Kentucky
Awardee Description: Ron Casper has worked at the Paducah Site for 16 years, being hired in 2008 as a Purchasing Agent in 2008 after obtaining his MBA at Liberty University. Ron became FRNP’s Procurement Manager in 2017. Since taking over that leadership role, Casper has overseen a department that has received multiple excellent ratings from the Department of Energy.
Once again in FY 2023Ron Casper led our organization in exceeding the DOE’s goal of procuring at least 50% of supplies and services from small businesses by 7.2% (57.2%) in FY 2023, while exceeding goals in the Individual Subcontracting Reporting (ISR) category by a larger margin than the year before.
Casper ensures his organization engages in hands-on best practices including his personal review and approval of bidders lists to ensure heavy emphasis on all small business socioeconomic classes. Ron also led the push for FRNP to make an Ability One Pledge, part of a program to look for contracting opportunities for Americans with disabilities.
Nowhere was Ron’s leadership more appreciated than in the 2023 Procurement Evaluation Re- engineering Team (PERT) audit of FY 2021-2023 performance. FRNP received a strength in the Basic Tenet of “Maximization of Opportunities for Small Business.” In the outbrief documents the audit team commented: The Small Business Program is very robust. FRNP has a very effective outreach system in place and a very effective system to ensure proper review of procurement actions through the requirement for a SADBUR form for procurements over $10K when small businesses are not solicited and over $250K for all procurements except for those that are set aside for small business concerns.
7. Mentor of the Year:
This award recognizes the efforts of a DOE Mentor that has exceeded the requirements of their Mentor-Protégé agreement. These results have enhanced the protégés ability to successfully compete for federal contracts.
Award Recipient: Sandia National Laboratories Small Business Mentor-Protégé Program, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Awardee Description: For more than 70 years, Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia) has delivered essential science and technology to resolve the nation’s most challenging security issues. Sandia National Laboratories is operated and managed by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC. (NTESS), a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc. NTESS operates Sandia National Laboratories as a contractor for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA).
Sandia’s science, technology and engineering foundations enable our unique mission. The laboratory’s highly specialized research staff is at the forefront of innovation, collaborating with universities and companies and performing multidisciplinary science and engineering research programs with significant impact on U.S. security.
Sandia has successfully mentored five Protégés - Pluma, LLC, Strategic Industry Inc., CeLeen, LLC, Dynamic Structures and Materials, and Compunetics, Inc. We have exceeded all development objectives, focusing on building relationships with each of the Protégés, providing workshop sessions specific to their needs, and awarding subcontract opportunities to enhance their abilities through actual work.
8. Protégé of the Year:
This award recognizes the significant development of a DOE Protégé that has enhanced its ability to successfully compete for federal contracts through its participation in the DOE Mentor/Protégé program.
Award Recipient: Converge Strategies, LLC, Boston, Massachusetts
Awardee Description: Converge Strategies, LLC (CSL) is a small, disadvantaged, veteran-owned business that provides consulting services focused on the intersection of clean energy, resilience, and national security. Converge Strategies' mission is to integrate resilience and security as first principles in the clean energy transformation. We take new approaches to energy policy and program development in the face of climate change, vulnerable infrastructure, and determined adversaries.
Converge Strategies' experience with DOE’s Mentor-Protégé Program was transformative. The program opened new opportunities for our flagship service — resilience assessments and exercises — to align with national laboratories and DOE office collaboration. Our participation resulted in nine new contracts and a robust group of new clients and connections for Converge Strategies.
During our Mentor-Protégé relationship with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Converge Strategies engaged with more than 80 NREL staff in various technical areas and surpassed its revenue projections from the previous year, with revenue growth above 20%.
9. 8(a)/Small Disadvantaged Business of the Year:
This award recognizes the outstanding performance of a small business, certified by the U.S. Small Business Administration’s 8(a) and/or Small Disadvantaged Business programs, for their exceptional performance in activities contributing to core DOE mission accomplishments.
Award Recipient: Murrietta Circuits, Anaheim, California
Awardee Description: June 2023, Murrietta was invited to participate in a JASON study in La Jolla, California. JASON is an independent group of scientists and engineers with expertise in a variety of technical areas that performs studies for government
sponsors on issues of national security. Murrietta was able to support the study by sharing our Printed Wiring Board (PWB) and Circuit card Assembly (CCA) processes including buyer and supplier furnished material logistics, inspection processing, inventory management, and traceability.
Capital investment in both Printed Wiring Board (PWB) and Circuit card Assembly (CCA) Departments - Murrietta has been focusing in supporting Department of Energy (DOE) demands and needs. Murrietta acquired latest technology equipment that will streamline processes and improve quality and capacity. In FY 2023, Murrietta purchased an Orbotech Laser Direct Imager; a Nikon CMM machine for automated board measurements; a Microcraft flying probe tester that provided increased capacity in the test department; and a Microcraft Inkjet Legend Printer that sped up the legend process for PWB manufacturing and allowed for quicker PWB marking to support the Assembly process. In addition, Murrietta upgraded their Multiline Punch to keep the inner layer registration precise.
Murrietta has been working with KCNSC Strategic Sourcing team to support the stocking program to reduce the lead-time of the components. Murrietta acquired a total of 5 SMT Towers which have the capacity to store 7000+ reels of surface mount components, as well as an X-Ray Reel counter to eliminate the manual process of component counting. With the X-Ray reel counter, the count for electronic components on a reel is more accurate than manual counting and provides a quicker result (5 seconds vs. minutes).
10. Woman-Owned Small Business of the Year:
This award recognizes the exceptional performance of a Woman-Owned small business directly contributing to the accomplishments of core DOE mission objectives and requirements.
Award Recipient: Team b. Strategy +, Tacoma, Washington
Awardee Description: Team b. Strategy + supports the NNSA Office of the Chief Information Officer providing connectivity between NNSA’s mission and IT/cyber support elements. Team b. Strategy + accomplished the following:
- Led planning and supported execution for NA-IM’s inaugural table top and full-scale enterprise cybersecurity exercises (IMperial Armadillo) in response to the 2022 Institute for Defense Analyses Cybersecurity Assessment.
- Developed and tracked the NA-IM FY 2022 Strategy and supported planning for FY 2023-2025.
- Developed NA-IM’s Cybersecurity and Awareness and Training Plan.
- Fostered international partner relationships and supported ongoing efforts with US P3 partners.
- Planned approximately 24 events to bolster NNSA engagements across the DOE/NNSA enterprise as well as public and private sector partners.
- Developed and executed project communications for all NA-IM IT and cyber projects.
- Redesigned the NA-IM strategic plan to provide details catered to audiences from Department executives to staff-level professionals; internal and external to DOE/NNSA.
- Spearheaded effort to consolidate project/funding data for NA-IM – Compiled 400 lines of data consolidating 5 information sources into one platform to reduce duplicative manual entry, increase information sharing and availability, and drive impact.
11. HUBZone Small Business of the Year:
This award recognizes the excellence of a small business, certified by the U.S. Small Business Administration as located and operating within a Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone), directly contributing to core DOE mission accomplishments.
Award Recipient: SAMES, Inc., Los Alamos, New Mexico
Awardee Description: SAMES, Inc., is a minority owned HUBZone company established in 2008 by Samuel and Saul Maldonado, two civil engineer brothers. Graduating from the SBA 8(a) Program and participating in Mentor-Protégé initiatives with the DOE and SBA, today, SAMES proudly
serves Federal, State, local government, and private clients with over 100 employees from our four office locations: McAllen, TX (Headquarters); Harlingen, TX; Santa Fe, NM; Los Alamos, NM.
SAMES, Inc. is the proud recipient of the FY 2023 HUBZone Small Business award due to its many accomplishments. Below are some highlights:
- SAMES developed prepopulated QC/Safety Plans allowing expedited contract approval, and five new subcontractors to support LANL projects.
- In 7 days, SAMES completed the Crane Services task order and contract development. SAMES collaborated with vendors to extend asphalt plant operations, for expedited completion of West Jemez Road; both Task Orders 19 and 20 were completed within four weeks in late November, resulting in exceptional schedule adherence and $419,000 budget savings.
- SAMES collaborates with LANL on scope development and preplanning for asphalt, fire alarm, and general task orders, reducing task schedules by 30-60 days, meeting deadlines, enhancing productivity, improving paperwork efficiency, and leading to budget savings.
- SAMES developed a new management and performance team to support mission critical schedules, increase LANL capacity for glove box material sourcing, and an NQA 1 QAP qualified fabricator. Cross-training for Superintendent, Safety, and Quality Control roles mitigated staffing risks. Modified SAMES Safety Program to align with LANL safety requirements, educating our team in cooperation with LANL.
- Development and preplanning of asphalt task orders saved 30-60 days and approximately $150,000 per task order. Total savings for 2023 exceed $595,000. Mechanical MTOA support led to cost, time, material procurement, and manpower savings for LANL, including future costs.
12. Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business of the Year:
This award recognizes the exceptional performance of a Service-Disabled, Veteran-Owned small business directly facilitating the advancement of core DOE mission objectives and requirements.
Award Recipient: SDV Construction, Inc., Albuquerque, New Mexico
Awardee Description: In FY 2023, SDV Construction, Inc., a distinguished certified Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business, continued to uphold its legacy of excellence in the
construction industry.
With a team of 63 seasoned construction professionals, including LEED AP BD+C, project managers, superintendents, foremen, carpenters, estimators, and safety managers, SDV Construction has demonstrated its commitment to quality and performance. The company's expertise spans General Contracting, Construction Management At Risk, Design-Build, and Owner’s Representative Project/Construction Management Services, with specialization in Education, Healthcare, Laboratories, Military Bases, Aviation, Commercial, and Infrastructure projects.
In FY 2023, SDV Construction completed 44 projects totaling $31,384,068.35 for DOE, showcasing its ability to deliver projects of varying complexity and scale. Notably, the company achieved an exemplary safety record with zero injuries, days away from work, and job transfers or restrictions, highlighting its unwavering commitment to safety and quality.
Beyond its professional achievements, SDV Construction remains deeply engaged in civic-oriented and community activities, reflecting its commitment to social responsibility. The company supports veterans through initiatives such as a $25,000 Construction Scholarship at the University of New Mexico School of Engineering and donations to Habitat for Humanity's Honor & Remember House, dedicated to veterans.
13. SBIR/STTR Small Business of the Year:
This award recognizes a U.S. small business that exemplifies the spirit of DOE’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs by strengthening and expanding its high-technology research and development (R&D) competitiveness at the Department and/or in the marketplace. SBIR/STTR small business nominations will be evaluated using demonstrated exceptional performance from time of SBIR/STTR award to the present.
Award Recipient: Tetramer Technologies, LLC, Pendleton, South Carolina
Awardee Description: Tetramer Technologies, LLC was funded by Department of Energy Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO) SBIR programs, to develop a biobased, biodegradable, non-toxic and non-bioaccumulating turbine oil to fill the need for an environmentally acceptable hydropower turbine oil for use in the demanding conditions in hydropower
facilities. In order to accomplish this goal, Tetramer developed a new lubricant, VBASE Hydro T-EL™ which fulfills all the technical goals of the SBIR program.
Central to the performance of Hydro T-EL™ is Tetramer’s development of Secondary Polyol Ester™ base oil technology during the program. This base oil serves as the foundation of VBASE® Hydro T-EL™ and has resulted in a portfolio of 11 grades of sustainable, high-performance base oils which can be sold into other applications. Synthesized with a unique molecular structure, VBASE® base oils offer maximum performance and compatibility while maintaining an environmentally friendly and sustainable profile. Unlike traditional synthetic and natural ester lubricants, VBASE® oils do not suffer from common pitfalls such as poor cold weather performance, thermal decomposition, and compatibility issues with seals and gaskets. The base oils meet U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards for environmentally acceptable lubricants (EALs), are included on the EU Ecolabel LuSC-list for use as EAL components and have achieved USDA BioPreferred certification for percentage of biobased content.
Commercialization efforts have been integral to Tetramer's success, with partnerships established with industry leaders such as GE Renewable Energy for rig tests in Switzerland and field trials at the Porjus Hydropower Centre Foundation in Sweden. Additionally, Tetramer has engaged with hydropower operators through the National Hydropower Association to better understand the unique challenges for lubricants in the hydropower facilities. Tetramer has its first commercial installation of VBASE Hydro-TEL in a US hydropower facility scheduled for Q4 2024.
14. Small Business of the Year:
This award recognizes the creative, unique, and extraordinary performance of a small business which has significantly and directly impacted core DOE mission objectives and requirements.
Award Recipient: TechSource, Inc., Los Alamos, New Mexico
Awardee Description: Since its establishment in 1997, TechSource, Inc. has emerged as a leading science and engineering consultancy, with a robust team of over 500 experts. TechSource’s cohort is comprised of a diverse array of scientists, engineers, and industry experts with extensive hands-on experience in national labs, federal agencies, nuclear, and science and technology industries. TechSource is a trusted partner in tackling the intricate challenges associated with national security missions as a go-to solution provider for entities like the DOE, NNSA, DoD, and various national laboratories.
TechSource’s Weapons Knowledge Preservation and Transfer (WKPT) program represents a transformative approach designed to meet NNSA’s need for intensive expert level training. The effectiveness of the program was specifically called out in the Stockpile Stewardship Management Program Report to Congress for their ability to help DOE ensure its staff has the knowledge to effectively carry out its vital national security missions.
The Weapons Production-Technology and Nuclear Training (WP-TNT) program, managed by TechSource, bridges R&D and recruiting needs of LANL with innovative universities’ capabilities. The program expanded to new universities in 2023, expanding the network to seven universities and 30 faculty members across 20 research projects.
TechSource spearheaded and now manages the Critical Supplier Program (CSP), combining corporate capabilities with LANL needs. The program’s successful deliveries and accomplishments in 2023 have propelled CSP to be institutionalized across NNSA and highlights TechSource’s abilities to drive innovative and implementable solutions across the NSE.
The Scorpius Project, a critical component in maintaining the efficacy of our nuclear stockpile, achieved a monumental milestone in 2023 thanks to the seamless collaboration of LANL, SNL, LLNL, NNSS, and the instrumental contributions from TechSource.
15. OSDBU Director’s Excellence Award:
This award is awarded at the discretion of the OSDBU Director.
Award Recipient: Yvonne C. Gonzales, Small Business Program Manager, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico
Awardee Description: Yvonne Gonzales is an enthusiastic member of the Small Business Program Managers (SBPMs) team offering innovative ideas to improve small business acquisition not only at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) but across the Agency. She initiated the idea of a kickoff annual SBPMs meeting at the beginning of the year to collaborate with and get all the SBPMs on the same procurement page. She is part of the Mentor-Protégé Program Working Group (MPPWG), providing valuable comments to aid the team in making important incremental improvements to the current program. Yvonne successfully advocated for minority serving institutions to serve as proteges in MPP. She helped facilitate the first Hispanic Serving Institution
(Northern New Mexico College) become a protégé. Yvonne has consistently promoted and advocated for HUBZone and Tribal small businesses to exceed goals across the state of New Mexico. Yvonne Gozales is one of the most dedicated SBPMs educating small businesses on how to do business with the government, collaborating with other SBPMs and connecting small businesses to DOE opportunities and resources. She frequently receives praise for exceeding her engagement efforts. She is an invaluable asset to DOE.
16. OSDBU Director’s Excellence Award:
This award is awarded at the discretion of the OSDBU Director.
Award Recipient: Trish Alley, Small Business Program Manager, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico
Awardee Description: Trish Alley is an enthusiastic member of the Small Business Program Managers (SBPMs) team offering innovative ideas to improve small business acquisition not only at LANL but across the Agency. She initiated the idea of a kickoff annual SBPMs meeting at the beginning of the year to collaborate with and get all the SBPMs on the same procurement page. She is part of the MPPWG, providing valuable comments to aid the team in making important incremental improvements to the current program. Trish successfully advocated for minority serving institutions to serve as proteges in MPP. She helped facilitate the first Hispanic Serving Institution (Northern New Mexico College) become a protégé. Trish has consistently promoted and advocated for HUBZone and Tribal small businesses to exceed goals across the state of New Mexico. Trish Alley is one of the most dedicated SBPMs educating small businesses on how to do business with the government, collaborating with other SBPMs and connecting small businesses to DOE opportunities and resources. She frequently receives praise for exceeding her engagement efforts. She is an invaluable asset to DOE.
For additional information concerning the Annual Small Business Awards Program, please contact Anita Anderson, Public and Outreach Engagement Specialist at [email protected].