DOE Offshore Oil & Gas Research

Areas of Offshore Oil & Gas Research

From the Lab to the Field

The Offshore Oil and Gas Research Program is a portfolio of projects that focuses on spill prevention and innovative solutions to solve the challenges associated with geohazard prediction, well control, surface systems and umbilicals, and subsea systems reliability and automation while increasing ultimate recovery of offshore oil and gas resources. 

DOE Offshore Oil & Gas Research

How DOE does Business

The Offshore Research Program sponsors research activities in two ways: Cost-Shared Research via public-private partnerships with industry, academia, and private labs;  and, at the DOE’s National’ Laboratories, including the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) Research.

  • Cost-Shared Research

Fossil Energy partners with a wide range of entities including academia, private sector companies/institutes, and foreign governments to gain a full range of expertise and resources for targeted research and development areas.  Information on how to participate in a DOE competitive solicitation can be found at

  • National Laboratory Research
The Department of Energy National Laboratories and Technology Centers are a system of facilities and laboratories overseen by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) for the purpose of advancing science and technology to fulfill the DOE mission. Sixteen of the seventeen DOE national laboratories are federally funded research and development centers administered, managed, operated and staffed by private-sector organizations under management and operating (M&O) contract with DOE.
Only one of DOE’s 17 national labs, the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) is government-owned and operated.  It is sponsored by the Office of Fossil Energy and is in a unique position to provide technology solutions and strategic partnerships dedicated to fossil energy research and development.
Link to FE-30 sponsored Offshore Research at the National Lab: