
2020 Gears of Government Awards

DOE Small Business Program Managers Leslie Bourgeois and Trevor Bluth Recognized

Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization

May 20, 2020
minute read time
Image of Small Business Program Managers Leslie Bourgeois and Trevor Bluth
DOE Small Business Program Managers Leslie Bourgeois (left) and Trevor Bluth

DOE Small Business Program Managers Leslie Bourgeois (Strategic Petroleum Reserve) and Trevor Bluth (Idaho Operations Office) have been selected for this year’s Gears of Government Awards.  These awards recognize individuals and teams across the federal workforce whose dedication supports exceptional delivery of key outcomes in three areas: mission results, customer service, and accountable stewardship.  

Ms. Bourgeois was chosen for the award for providing expertise and management to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Project Management Office to ensure the office maintains operational excellence and proper stewardship of taxpayer dollars.  Her leadership enhanced mission results and accountable stewardship of government resources.  Mr. Bluth was recognized for the award as part of the Idaho National Laboratory Sheep Fire Response Team.  The team’s rapid emergency response helped contain the fire at the Idaho National Laboratory and ensure the safety of personnel facilities.

Congratulations to Leslie, Trevor, and the Department’s other Gears of Government Awards winners!  Visit the OSDBU’s website for more updates.

  • Careers
  • Federal Energy Management Laws & Requirements
  • Emergency Response
  • International Award Winners
  • DOE Mentor-Protégé Program