The National Renewable Energy Laboratory, in coordination with the U.S. Department of Energy Fuel Cell Technologies Office, Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy, and Los Alamos National Laboratory, hosted the 2019 Anion Exchange Membrane Workshop in Dallas, Texas, on May 30, 2019. More than 50 industrial, academic, national laboratory, and government experts representing the needs of anion exchange membranes, membrane electrode assemblies, and system and stack components attended the workshop.
The purpose of this workshop was to bring together the research community to discuss key issues impacting the following topics:
- Identifying further challenges of anion exchange membranes and ionomers toward device development (catalyst/ionomer interactions, water management, and carbonate formation)
- Baselining of membrane and ionomer materials (selection and manufacturing of standard materials and round robin testing)
- Testing protocols (application-specific metrics and targets).
2019 Anion Exchange Membrane Workshop Summary Report
Anion Exchange Membrane Workshop Opening Remarks, Donna Ho, Fuel Cell Technologies Office
IONICS Category 3 Membrane Testing, Mark Pouy, Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy
Membrane Testing Challenges, Standardization, Mike Yandrasits, 3M
State-of-the-Art Performance and Durability of AEMFCs, Bill Mustain, University of South Carolina
Catalyst-Ionomer Interactions/AMFC Durability, Yu Seung Kim, Los Alamos National Laboratory