Industry FOA Awardees

2020 (1st Round)

The following projects were selected under the Funding Opportunity Announcement titled "U.S. Industry Opportunities for Advanced Nuclear Technology Development" (DE-FOA-0001817) - 1st round of calendar year 2020 (application due date of October 31, 2019)

Solid Black Line Divider
Solid Black Line Divider

Tier II: Advanced Reactor Development Projects

Southern Ohio Diversification Initiative Logo

Southern Ohio Diversification Initiative

Waverly, OH

Generic Design Support Activities for Advanced Reactors

The Southern Ohio Diversification Initiative (SODI) assembled a team to start the process of characterization, permitting, and decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) studies to support advanced reactor deployment at the Portsmouth Site.  This work includes the development of an Early Site Permit (ESP) template that will envelop a broad range of advanced reactor technologies, supporting the DOE goal of commercial demonstration of an advanced reactor by the late 2020s.

SODI Abstract

Solid Black Line Divider

Tier III: Regulatory Assistance Grants

Southern Nuclear Development Logo

Southern Nuclear Development, LLC

Birmigham, AL

Topical Report: Guidelines for Implementing Seismic Base Isolation in Advanced Nuclear Reactors to Reduce Risk and Overnight Capital Cost

The primary objective of this project is to provide a pathway acceptable to and vetted by the USNRC that an applicant could follow to develop, document and qualify a seismic isolation system for an advanced reactor, proposed or future. The pathway will be presented in a Topical Report to be submitted to the USNRC for review. The Topical Report will be technology neutral with respect to both the reactor developer and the isolator type.

Southern Nuclear Development, LLC Abstract

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