
Hanford Contractor Inspires Workforce of Future Through STEM Education

Employees from EM Richland Operations Office contractor Mission Support Alliance (MSA) volunteer at local schools.

Office of Environmental Management

August 13, 2019
minute read time
Yuriy Dubinets, a mechanical engineer with EM Richland Operations Office contractor Mission Support Alliance, demonstrates to local middle school students how a Stirling engine uses heat to operate.
Yuriy Dubinets, a mechanical engineer with EM Richland Operations Office contractor Mission Support Alliance, demonstrates to local middle school students how a Stirling engine uses heat to operate.

RICHLAND, Wash. – Employees from EM Richland Operations Office contractor Mission Support Alliance (MSA) volunteer at local schools to support “STEM! Like Me,” part of the Washington State Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) Education Foundation.

The foundation’s mission is to expand high school students’ horizons, demonstrating to students of all ages how fun and interesting STEM education can be, and educating them on the STEM careers in the community.

The MSA volunteers were on hand as students created greeting cards with energy efficient lights and aluminum circuits, viewed demonstrations on transmitting power through the air, and learned how engines use heat to operate. They also gained a better understanding of working in a technical environment.

“I volunteer for STEM! Like Me because I want to help raise awareness and hopefully inspire some of them to pursue a career in engineering,” said Yuriy Dubinets, a mechanical engineer for MSA.

In addition to STEM! Like Me, MSA supports Hanford Engineers Week, Mid-Columbia Regional Science and Engineering Fair, STEM nights at local schools, and other STEM related programs.

"We have the utmost appreciation and admiration for the continued support MSA has provided the Washington State STEM Education Foundation,” said Deb Bowen, executive director for the foundation. “MSA mentors have invested a substantial amount of time into Mid-Columbia youth, and this will positively impact our workforce for years to come.”

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  • Energy Efficiency
  • Environmental and Legacy Management
  • Energy Workforce