ORSSAB recognizes retiring members Branch, Deaderick, Holden and Price

ORSSAB recognizes retiring members Branch, Deaderick, Holden and Price.

Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management

August 12, 2019
minute read time
Eddie Holden and Jay Mullis

OREM Manager Jay Mullis presents retiring ORSSAB member Eddie Holden with a plaque in recognition of his service recently.

The Oak Ridge Site Specific Advisory Board (ORSSAB) and the U.S Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM) recently recognized David Branch, Martha Deaderick, Eddie Holden and Belinda Price for completing their terms of service to the board.

ORSSAB is a federally chartered citizens’ panel that provides recommendations to OREM, which is responsible for the cleanup of the Oak Ridge Reservation.

OREM Manager Jay Mullis recently presented the retiring members with plaques in recognition of their service.

“We appreciate folks coming in and putting their time in on the board,” said Mullis. “It helps us craft our decisions and we appreciate the input…They helped shape the path that the Office of Environmental Management (EM) has followed in its goal to clean up the Oak Ridge Reservation.”

Board chair Dennis Wilson echoed this sentiment in thank you letters to the retiring members.

“Your dedication and participation has been instrumental to the success of the board, and you will be missed,” wrote Wilson. “You have been an invaluable asset to the board at its monthly meetings and in serving on the Environmental Management & Stewardship Committee. The accomplishments of the board proves that every hour was well spent.”

David Branch served on the board and Environmental Management and Stewardship (EMS) Committee from August 2007 to July 2008 and returned in 2017.

Martha Deaderick joined the board and EMS Committee in 2015 and participated in a variety of meetings, conferences and tours.

Eddie Holden joined the board and EMS Committee in 2016 and participated in a variety of meetings, conferences and tours.

Belinda Price joined the board and EMS Committee in 2013 and participated in a variety of meetings, conferences and tours. She served as board chair from 2016 to 2017 and vice chair from 2017 to 2018.

Although they are no longer members of ORSSAB they can continue to participate in Oak Ridge EM cleanup and stewardship activities as public members of the EMS Committee.

ORSSAB meets the second Wednesday of most months at 6 p.m. at the DOE Information Center located at 1 Science.gov Way in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Additional information about the board and becoming a member is available online at www.energy.gov/orssab, by emailing [email protected], or by calling ORSSAB staff at (865) 241-4583 or 241-4584. 

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