Restart of Higher Risk Activities Concurrent Assessment at the Hanford Site Plutonium Finishing Plant – July 2019

Concurrent Assessment of Restart of Higher Risk Activities at the Hanford Site Plutonium Finishing Plant

Office of Enterprise Assessments

July 18, 2019
minute read time

July 2019

Concurrent Assessment of Restart of Higher Risk Activities at the Hanford Site Plutonium Finishing Plant

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Nuclear Safety and Environmental Assessments, within the independent Office of Enterprise Assessments (EA), conducted an assessment of the CH2M HILL Plateau Remediation Company’s (CHPRC’s) readiness to restart higher risk demolition activities at the Hanford Site Plutonium Finishing Plant. This EA assessment was concurrent with a CHPRC management assessment (MA) and a DOE Richland Operations Office surveillance. The purpose of this EA assessment was to evaluate the effectiveness of CHPRC’s MA in determining the readiness of CHPRC to restart higher risk demolition activities, and to provide an independent assessment of that readiness. This EA assessment was performed at the Hanford Site from April 22 through May 3, 2019.