WPTO seeks feedback about the use of the PNNL Marine Sciences Laboratory as a research, development, testing, and validation venue.
Water Power Technologies Office
June 6, 2019The Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO) on behalf of the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy is seeking feedback from the renewable energy industry, academia, national laboratories, government agencies, and private entities about the use of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s (PNNL) Marine Sciences Laboratory (MSL) as a research, development, testing, and validation venue.
This RFI addresses the growing interest in the use of MSL facilities for renewable energy, maritime markets—as part of WPTO’s Powering the Blue Economy Initiative—and energy storage research, technology development, and testing.
Results of this RFI may be used to help DOE and PNNL prioritize MSL resources and investments. Stakeholder feedback is due by 5pm EST on August 8, 2019.
Read more about the Request for Information: Marine Sciences Laboratory.