
attendees from the 2018 veterans success workshop

The Department of Energy tops many civilian Federal agencies in hiring veterans who make up 38 percent of the current DOE workforce, exceeded its goals for veteran hiring and retention for both FY 2017 and FY 2018. What’s more, the sensitive nature and often highly technical mission and workforce needs of the Department translate, at least in part, to the needs of energy related companies across the industry.


The Department of Energy is fortunate to count many dedicated former service members among its ranks. Veterans dedicated to the Department's overarching mission to advance the national, economic, and energy security of the United States; to promote scientific and technological innovation in support of that mission; and to ensure the environmental cleanup of the national nuclear weapons complex.

Rizwan “Riz” Shah

Rizwan “Riz” Shah: Organizational Culture Advisor, Environment, Health, Safety and Security

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Secretary Rick Perry honors Veterans around the country who served and thanks Veterans in the U.S. Department of Energy workforce that continue to serve their country.

Video courtesy of the Department of Energy

Veterans@Energy News

Serving Across Energy


Members of the military learn how to install solar panels at a Solar Ready Vets training program at Ft. Carson in Colorado.

Damian Sower, Western Area Power Administration

Damian W. Sower: Western Area Power Administration, Electrical Engineer

I believe we owe veterans that opportunity as well, to be able to further our country’s energy security with veterans who have so faithfully served our country already.

Secretary Rick Perry
14th United States Secretary of Energy

Veterans account for approximately ten percent of workers across energy sectors, higher than the national average of six percent. Many factors may contribute to this trend, including the high-demand for skilled workers; especially workers with knowledge of safety protocols, logistics, and technology deployment, teamwork and leadership experience, and those accustomed to project-driven (mission-oriented) assignments.  You may find additional information about important trends and skill sets for the 21st Century energy workforce in the 2019 U.S. Energy and Employment Report produced by the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) and the Energy Futures Initiative (EFI).

Veterans and members of the U.S. armed forces contribute tremendous talents in serve our country. We honor their commitment and are dedicated to assist veterans and transitioning service members to continue serving their country through meaningful opportunities at the National Laboratories.

Service academy students at Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico.
Service academy students at Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico.
LLNL High Explosive Application Facility (HEAF)

Members of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory High Explosive Application Facility (HEAF) team.