Industry FOA Awardees

2019 (1st Round)

The following projects were selected under the Funding Opportunity Announcement titled "U.S. Industry Opportunities for Advanced Nuclear Technology Development" (DE-FOA-0001817) - 1st round of calendar year 2019 (application due date of October 31, 2019) 

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Solid Black Line Divider

Tier I: First of a Kind (FOAK) Nuclear Demonstration Readiness Projects



Cranberry Township, PA

eVinci (TM) Micro Reactor Nuclear Demonstration Unit Readiness Project

Westinghouse and its team to prepare for the Nuclear Demonstration Unit (NDU) of the eVinci micro reactor through design, analysis, testing and licensing to manufacture, site and test the NDU by 2022.

Westinghouse Abstract

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Tier II: Advanced Reactor Development Projects

Dirac Solutions, LLC logo

Dirac Solutions

Pleasanton, CA

Passive Radio Frequency Tags and Sensors for Process Monitoring in Advanced Reactors

Dirac Solutions, LLC will develop and commercialize next generation specialized wireless sensing and monitoring passive and semi-passive tags integrated with sensors for the remote process monitoring of advanced reactors.

Dirac Solutions Abstract

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Kairos Power, LLC Logo

Kairos Power, LLC

Alameda, CA

Modeling and Simulation Development Pathways to Accelerate KP-FHR Licensing

Under this proposal, Kairos Power, LLC will bring forward in the schedule critical advanced modeling and simulation capability through the DOE NEAMS program.

Kairos Power, LLC Abstract

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Tier III: Regulatory Assistance Grants

Kairos Power, LLC Logo

Kairos Power, LLC

Alameda, CA

Pre-Application Licensing Report on the Development of a Mechanistic Source Term Methodology for the Kairos Power Fluoride Cooled High Temperature Reactor (KP-FHR)

Kairos Power, LLC will develop a mechanistic source term for the KP-FHR design including consideration of radionuclides generated and transported in the fuel particle and the barriers to release for licensing basis event analyses.

Kairos Power, LLC Abstract

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