Assessment of Criticality Safety Controls Implementation at the Idaho National Laboratory
Office of Enterprise Assessments
January 16, 2019January 2019
Enterprise Assessments Assessment of the Idaho National Laboratory Criticality Safety Controls Implementation – January 2019
Assessment of Criticality Safety Controls Implementation at the Idaho National Laboratory
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Environment, Safety and Health Assessments, within the independent Office of Enterprise Assessments (EA), assessed the implementation of criticality safety controls at the Idaho National Laboratory. The purpose of this EA assessment was to evaluate the effectiveness of the laboratory contractor, Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC, in implementing the DOE-approved facility criticality safety program and criticality safety controls that are selected to provide preventive and/or mitigative functions for a potential criticality accident. DOE Idaho Operations Office oversight of criticality safety was also evaluated. This assessment focused on implementation at the Fuel Conditioning Facility, the Fuel Manufacturing Facility, and the Nuclear Material Inspection and Storage Facility. EA performed this assessment from September 10 through September 20, 2018.