WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the U.S. Department of Energy announced it will award 189 grants totaling $33 million to 149 small businesses in 32 states. Funded through DOE’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs, today’s selections are for Phase I research and development.
The Phase I grants will allow small businesses to research technical feasibility of new innovations that advance the mission of the Office of Science. Phase I grants are 6-12 months in duration with a median award amount of $150,000. Successful Phase I grantees will be eligible to apply for Phase II awards in fiscal year 2020 that will allow them to develop novel prototypes or processes to validate their Phase I research findings. Phase II grants have a median award amount of $1,100,000 and a duration up to 2 years.
Highlighted below are selected grants for each of the research and development programs that provided funding for these projects:
Office of Advanced Scientific Computing
Large-scale Computing Distributed Intrusion Detection System
Configurable Entangled Photon Source for Quantum Networks
Building Commercialization-ready Low-cost Deployable Room-temperature Quantum Memories
Office of Basic Energy Sciences
Novel Polymer-Electrolyte Membrane Development for Carbon Dioxide Conversion to Solar Fuel
High Performance Diamond Based Transparent X-Ray Beam Imaging System
A Low Cost Ion Selective Membrane for Redox Flow Batteries
Office of Biological and Environmental Research
A Robust, Ground-Based Microwave Radiometer for Atmospheric Water vapor and Liquid Water Measurement
Geochemical Monitoring System and Network for Complex Subsurface Matrices
Non-destructive, Functional Metabolic Imaging of Plant and Microbial Systems
Office of Nuclear Physics
Additively Manufactured Z-Channel Detectors for Heavy Ion Accelerator Diagnostics
Superconducting MgB2 Tubes for Passive Magnetic Field Shielding for Electron Ion Collider
Superconducting Bolometer for Neutrino Research
Small businesses play a major role in spurring innovation and creating jobs in the U.S. economy. The SBIR and STTR programs were created by Congress to leverage small businesses to advance innovation at federal agencies. Additional information on the DOE SBIR and STTR programs is available at the SBIR/STTR Programs Office: http://science.energy.gov/sbir/.
More information about the projects announced today is available at the following link: https://science.energy.gov/sbir/awards/.
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