Implementation of Integrated Safety Management at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
January 2, 2019January 2, 2019
Implementation of Integrated Safety Management at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Since October 2007, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC has operated Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Livermore) for the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). Livermore has a primary mission to strengthen the United States’ security through development and application of science and technology to enhance the Nation’s defense, reduce the global threat from terrorism and weapons of mass destruction, and respond to scientific issues of national importance. In the context of workplace safety at the Department of Energy, Livermore also must systematically integrate safety into management, work practices at all levels, and all facets of work planning and execution.
In accomplishing its mission, Livermore committed itself to perform work in a manner that protects the health and safety of employees and the public, preserves the quality of the environment, and prevents property damage by using an Integrated Safety Management (ISM) system. In our previous audit of Livermore’s ISM system, Implementation of Integrated Safety Management at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (DOE/IG-0797, July 2008), we concluded that until Livermore fully implements an effective ISM system, NNSA cannot be assured that future worker-related illnesses and injuries will be prevented. We initiated this audit to followup on progress made since our previous audit and to determine whether Livermore effectively implemented an ISM system.
Nothing material came to our attention to indicate that Livermore had not effectively implemented an ISM system. We determined that Livermore had taken actions sufficient to address the weaknesses we identified in the prior report. However, we identified opportunities to ensure that Livermore continues to improve its ISM system.
Topic: Management & Administration