Industry FOA Awardees

2018 (3rd Round)

The following projects were selected under the Funding Opportunity Announcement titled "U.S. Industry Opportunities for Advanced Nuclear Technology Development" (DE-FOA-0001817) - 3rd round of calendar year 2018 (application due date of July 31, 2018) 

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Solid Black Line Divider

Tier I: First of a Kind (FOAK) Nuclear Demonstration Readiness Projects


Camden, NJ         

Integral and Separate Effects Test Program for the Investigation and Validation of Passive Safety System Performance of SMRs - Phase 1 Only

Development of a uniquely configurable set of testing platforms to demonstrate SMR passive safety system performance, accelerate the SMR-160 and other SMR designs to market, and help license these designs with the U.S. NRC and international regulators.

SMR, LLC Abstract

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Tier II: Advanced Reactor Development Projects

AMS Corporation logo

Analysis and Measurement Services Corporation

Knoxville, TN

Development of Cable Aging Acceptance Criteria for Nuclear Facilities

Develops acceptance criteria for mechanical, electrical, thermal, and chemical condition monitoring tests that trend with age-related degradation of electrical cables.

AMS Corporation Abstract

Dotted Black Line Divider
Exelon Generation logo

Exelon Generation

Kennett Square, PA

Modeling and Analysis of Exelon Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs) for Eigenvalue & Thermal Limits Predictability

Provides for a deeper understanding of BWR core behavior (including Exelon’s 15 BWRs) using the reactor modeling tool Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications (VERA). This will lead to improved core performance predictions for BWRs including reactivity and thermal margins, which has a direct, positive economic impact in terms of cycle energy production and fuel costs.

Exelon Generation Abstract

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EPRI Incorporated Logo

The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

Palo Alto, CA

Establishing Modular In-Chamber Electron Beam Welding

Demonstrates the capability to produce large, thick-section components to support nuclear production in the United States via Modular In-Chamber Electron Beam Welding. 

EPRI Corporation Abstract

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PKMJ Technical Services

PKMJ Services (Public Services Enterprise & Group (PSE&G) Nuclear, LLC, Idaho National Laboratory, and Rolls-Royce North America)

Moon Township, PA

Integrated Risk-Informed Condition Based Maintenance Capability and Automated Platform

Development and perform pilot implementation of a fully integrated risk-informed condition based maintenance capability, on an automated platform.  The key outcome of this project, when implemented, is significantly reduced O&M costs associated with time-based maintenance, across the U.S. nuclear fleet.  

PKMJ Services Abstract

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Tier III: Regulatory Assistance Grants

Terrestrial Energy USA Logo

Terrestrial Energy USA 

New York, NY

TEUSA-USNRC Pre-Licensing Activities for the Integral Molten Salt Reactor (IMSR®)

Conducts pre-application interactions with the US NRC to advance the progress of licensing the Integral Molten Salt Reactor (IMSR®).

Terrestrial Energy USA Abstract

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