Validation Studies of High-R Windows

Lead Performer: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – Richland, WA


November 16, 2018
minute read time

Lead Performer:  Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – Richland, WA
-- University of Minnesota – Minneapolis, MN
-- BirchPoint Consulting – La Crosse, WI
-- Efficiency Solutions – Richland, WA
DOE Total Funding:  $1,500,000
FY19 DOE Funding:  $500,000
Project Term:  October 1, 2018 – September 30, 2021
Funding Type:  Lab Call

Project Objective

Windows continue to be the weakest link in the building envelope. As a stand-alone measure, high-R windows offer large energy-savings potential (up to 5 quads for all sectors) and, in addition, may offer building system benefits and grid benefits. This project will build on previous high-R window research in PNNL’s Lab Homes and market integration activities. The project team will conduct Lab Home experiments and work with the university partners to conduct field studies with builders and installers. The Lab Home experiments will be used to assess whole-house system impacts on energy-efficiency and grid system benefits. EnergyPlus modeling will be used to extrapolate findings to other climates. Other analyses will identify potential benefits of the windows under various load shape scenarios.

Field installations will be designed specifically to address issues identified in planning and may help to overcome installation and supply chain challenges. As needed, the team will develop installation guidance to address issues in design, supply, and installation.

Project Impact

This assessment will investigate potential whole-building impacts of the latest generation of high-R windows. The thermal performance of these windows may contribute to the ability of the structure to resist extreme weather events, reduce seasonal loads, and better enable connected thermostats to meet utility calls for demand response for either daily or seasonal peaks. Lab Home experiments will be designed specifically to test these grid system benefits.


DOE Technology Manager: Marc LaFrance, [email protected]
Lead Performer: Michael Baechler, Katherine Cort, PNNL  

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