OE is hosting the workshop to solicit input regarding DOE’s 2019 electric transmission congestion study and foster dialogue on key issues.
November 9, 2018On November 15, the Office of Electricity (OE) will host a public workshop on electric transmission development and siting issues to solicit input regarding DOE’s 2019 electric transmission congestion study and foster dialogue on key issues affecting today’s electric transmission systems. The workshop will be held from 9:00 a.m. until 4 p.m. EDT at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s (NRECA) Conference Center located at 4301 Wilson Boulevard in Arlington, VA. Deputy Assistant Secretary Katie Jereza will discuss relevant findings from past issues of DOE's Annual Transmission Data Review, followed by three panel discussions and Q&A sessions. Following the workshop, a summary will be prepared and posted on the OE website. More details about the workshop, including panel topics and speakers, are available in the workshop agenda.