OTT today announced the realignment of the Office of Strategic Programs Technology-to-Market (T2M) Subprogram.
Office of Technology Transitions
September 24, 2018WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Technology Transitions (OTT) today announced the realignment of the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's (EERE) Office of Strategic Programs Technology-to-Market (T2M) Subprogram to OTT.
The mission of the Technology-to-Market subprogram has been to identify and develop strategies to overcome key barriers to the development and success of commercial enterprises built around DOE/EERE technologies and initiatives. In coordination with OTT, T2M has already begun expanding its mission beyond the DOE/EERE technologies and is working across the entire energy sector, including technology developers, startups, and small and medium enterprises, sources of capital, and other key stakeholders.
“The purpose of the Office of Technology Transitions encompasses that of the Tech-to-Market program, so realigning T2M within OTT will further enhance and expand the T2M mission Department-wide,” said OTT Director Chanette Armstrong. “Consolidation of the technology transfer functions such as this re-alignment of T2M within OTT ensures efficiency, consistency, and expand the commercial impact opportunities of technologies derived from public investments in early stage research and technological development.”
OTT will continue its work to coordinate activities across DOE programs and laboratories to facilitate engagement for the transfer of technologies to the private sector, which includes the Energy Investor Center, the new Lab Partnering Service and statutorily-mandated Technology Commercialization Fund.
OTT was established in 2015 to expand the commercial impact of the Department of Energy’s research and development portfolio to advance the economic, energy, and national security interests of the nation.