The U.S. Department of Energy held the H2@ Scale R&D Consortium Kick-Off Meeting on August 1, 2018, in Chicago, Illinois. The meeting objectives were to (1) engage broad regional stakeholder groups to discuss the role of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in addressing national and regional priorities in economic growth, grid resiliency, energy storage, job creation, air quality, and transportation innovation; (2) identify region-specific opportunities for hydrogen in transportation, chemical industries (such as ammonia production), steel manufacturing, petroleum refining, and more; (3) collaboratively develop plans for advancing H2@ Scale both nationally and regionally, with a focus on the Midwest for this event; (4) introduce H2@ Scale Consortium project teams and share research goals and plans; and (5) obtain feedback on potential future early-stage R&D activities in support of H2@ Scale.
H2@Scale R&D Consortium Kick-Off Meeting Agenda
Opening Session
- Nuclear Energy Overview, Bradley Williams, DOE Office of Nuclear Energy
- H2@Scale Overview, Sunita Satyapal, DOE Fuel Cell Technologies Office
- H2@Scale Value Proposition Considerations, Mark Ruth, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Panel Discussions
Value Proposition of Integrating Hydrogen Production Technologies with Nuclear Power, Wind Energy, and Solar Energy, and Opportunities for R&D Innovation
- Exelon Actions and Analysis of Hydrogen Value Propositions, Ugi Otgonbaatar, Exelon
- Commercial Deployment of TEUSA's Innovative Gen IV Integral Molten Salt Reactor, John Kutsch, Terrestrial Energy
- Assigning Value to Services Offered by Fuel Cell Technologies in Multiple Markets, Patrick Balducci, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Hydrogen for Energy Storage and Transportation at Scale, Rob Del Core, Hydrogenics
Innovations to Enable Hydrogen Use in Emerging Manufacturing Sectors
- Hydrogen Uses in Ironmaking, Vincent Chevrier, Midrex
- Innovations in Ammonia, Trevor Brown, NH3 Fuel Association
- Hydrogen: Deployment Innovation, Al Burgunder, Praxair
Status of Hydrogen Infrastructure Technologies and Priority Areas for Future Innovation to Enable Wide-Scale Growth
- CNG to Hydrogen Transition for Heavy Duty Vehicles, Ryan Erickson, Trillium
- Renewable Hydrogen from Electrolysis: How Do We Get to a Relevant Scale? Steve Szymanski, Proton Onsite
- CaFCP Vision 2030, Nico Bouwcamp, California Fuel Cell Partnership
Value Proposition of H2 for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Transport in Port, Rail, Truck, Bus and Other Fleet Applications
- Medium- and Heavy-Duty Transport, Naveen Berry, South Coast Air Quality Management District
- CNG and Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Kirt Conrad, Stark Area Regional Transit Authority
- The Case for HD Fuel Cell and Large Scale Hydrogen Roll-Out, Jesse Schneider, Nikola Motor
Cross-Sector Industry Panel on Value-Added Applications for Hydrogen in Diverse, High-Volume Sectors
- Proposition of Hydrogen in Drayage Application, Tony Williamson, TTSI
- The Use of Hydrogen in the Iron and Steel Industry, Edward Green, Berry Metal
- Hydrogen as a Fuel, John Cococcia, Plug Power