Safety, Security, & Quality Assurance


Office of Safety, Security, and Quality Assurance


The Safety, Security, and Quality Assurance Office provides leadership and develops mission strategies, policy and guidance for safety, security, and quality assurance operations in support of EM’s mission. The office also serves as the Central Technical Authority (CTA); provides independent analysis and advice to EM headquarters field offices on nuclear facility safety; and has the overriding responsibility to support field offices by enabling the effective execution of the mission. The office represents EM in frequent interfaces with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) and oversees the startup and restart of nuclear facilities and operational readiness reviews. The office oversees Integrated Safety Management (ISM) and Integrated Safeguards and Security Management (ISSM) activities.

Safety Cleanup at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
  • Mission

    The CNS provides leadership and develops mission strategies, policy, and guidance for field operations oversight and implementation of nuclear safety requirements to support EM’s mission. The office oversees EM nuclear facilities across the DOE complex and has the overriding responsibility to support field offices by enabling the effective execution of the mission. The CNS is responsible for strengthening federal oversight, monitoring nuclear projects and operations, applying lessons learned and promoting best practices, carrying out CTA activities affecting nuclear safety at EM sites; and managing differing professional opinions.

  • Mission

    The Safety Management Office provides leadership and develops mission strategies, policy, and guidance for safety management to support EM’s mission. The office supports implementation and continuous improvement of Integrated Safety Management Systems; provides strategic guidance on EM safety standards and has the overriding responsibility to support field offices by enabling the effective execution of the mission. The office also serves as the EM liaison with DNFSB, ensuring timely and technically sound responses to the Board’s recommendations and issues. The office coordinates the safety-related authority delegations and conducts safety-related technical qualification activities to support the Federal Technical Capability Panel.

  • Mission

    The Operational Safety Office provides leadership and develops mission strategies, policy, and guidance for operational safety to support EM’s mission. The office has the overriding responsibility to support field offices by enabling effective execution of the mission and oversees federal and contractor safety and health programs and management systems such as operational awareness activities, conduct of operations, work planning and execution, and assessments. The office supports operational safety performance across the EM complex; helps ensure timely correction of deficient safety conditions; assists with safety innovations, and practices; and verifies the effectiveness of corrective actions.

  • Mission

    The Standards and Quality Assurance Office provides leadership and develops mission strategies, policy, and guidance for standards and quality assurance to support EM’s mission. The office identifies technical, safety, quality requirements, and standards for EM capital and major operating projects and has the overriding responsibility to support field offices by enabling the effective execution of the mission. The office develops key criteria for evaluating the quality and technical implementation of the appropriate requirements to support a decision-making process for project critical phases. The office manages the corporate quality assurance evaluation program to ensure field offices implement the EM headquarters Corporate Quality Assurance Plan.

  • Mission

    The Safeguards, Security, and Emergency Preparedness Office provides leadership and develops strategies and guidance for meeting safeguards, security, and emergency preparedness requirements to support EM’s mission. The office has the overriding responsibility to support field offices by enabling the effective execution of the mission and implements policy related to physical and information security; classification; and emergency management. The office also supports continuous improvement across the EM complex through application of ISSM principles and serves as a liaison on physical security and emergency management issues to ensure readiness and resilience when incidents occur.