DOE hosted six regional pre-study workshops in mid-2008 to receive input and suggestions concerning the 2009 National Electric Transmission Congestion Study, including comments on practical metrics for gauging levels and significance of transmission congestion. Each workshop featured a panel of invited speakers to present their views and comments. For details, including agendas, transcripts, and documents submitted for consideration for the 2009 study, please select a workshop, below.
- June 11, 2008 San Francisco, CA
- June 18, 2008 Oklahoma City, OK
- July 9, 2008 Hartford, CT
- July 29, 2008 Atlanta, GA
- August 6, 2008 Las Vegas, NV
- September 17, 2008 Chicago, IL
DOE also hosted a technical workshop on March 25-26, 2009 to receive input from subject matter experts on the historical transmission data and studies of future transmission projections in the Western and Eastern Interconnections.