Ron Gibbons, Virginia Tech Transportation Institute: Adaptive lighting is the concept of putting light where and when you need it and only where and when you need it.
You either need localized metering on your electrical system or you need to have a negotiated rate.
Bruce Kinzey, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory: All of these other revenue streams that we’re talking about, the potential wi-fi and all these other things, are we going to have to have those come on board as well in order for most people to be able to justify these economically?
Paul Lutkevich, WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff: If you dim the lights you’re going to extend the life of that system. From a cost perspective, when you look at the energy costs and the O&M costs, then it actually can.
Adam Miles, City of Spokane, WA: The amount of departments that you need to work with to get a solution “for the city” and to get a “smart city” is a lot broader than just going and talking to the lighting department.
Darcie Chinnis, Horton Lees Brogden Lighting Design: As a commissioning agent, all I have to do is make sure my control system talks to its control components, I don’t have to make sure it talks to the lights. So there’s these silos of responsibility that people don’t want to break so the importance of having that integrator on the project is to forego those kinds of issues.
Connie Samla, Sacramento Municipal Utility District: What is circadian lighting – it’s our sleep/wake cycle. It’s 24-hour lighting. At night, it was enough light for them to see what they needed to do, and the nurses also, that they no longer had to turn that overhead light on. Because once you turn that overhead light on, you bleach out your rhodopsin and you lose your night vision.
Aaron Smith, Finelite: Classrooms really need layers of light. And future-proofing the design is important and lighting controls built specifically for teachers is a necessity.
Irina Rasputnis, DesignLights Consortium: If you were to go out and spec a new installation, besides the tunable range, what other parameters are important to consider?
Connie Samla: We really need a family of fixtures, also controls – they all need to speak to one another.
Ron Gibbons: Disability glare limits your ability to see something. It occurs because of some changes in your eye. Discomfort glare is psychological – it’s really causing discomfort or irritation in the driver.
Maurice Donners, Philips Eindhoven: In this middle range of frequencies you get a huge signal. The brain tells you, “close your eyes, look away.” If you don’t do that you get a headache, a migraine attack, and in extreme cases you get an epileptic attack.
Adam Miles: How much can be fixed about the glare based on installation?
Yulia Tyukhova, Acuity Brands: Depending on your application, on the one hand you want to have good light distribution in your application, to have uniformity on the ground. But then you want to minimize glare so it’s a tradeoff.
Matthew DeLoge, Johnson Controls: We all have our areas of specialty and we all deliver on those solutions. Today, because of the availability of information, we’re starting to blur those lines and our customers are getting confused.
Matthew Petti, Eaton: What are we getting on top of just lighting? For motion sensing and daylighting – there’s a lot of solutions out there currently that can sit on the luminaire itself and do those two functions. Occupancy history can be gathered from those sensors, as well as temperature and energy metering.
Mahadev Eakambaram, Intel: In the lighting industry, we need to bring the concept of coopetition and set some standards so that these things can interoperate.
Michael Poplawski, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory: It’s really their ability to share data with each other in the lighting system and then with non-lighting systems and the internet and cloud.