Stable Perovskite Core-Shell Nanocrystals as Down-Converting Phosphors for Solid-State Lighting

Lead Performer: PhosphorTech Corporation – Kennesaw, GA

Solid-State Lighting

April 10, 2018
minute read time

Lead Performer: PhosphorTech Corporation – Kennesaw, GA
DOE Total Funding: $149,988
Project Term: April 9, 2018 – January 8, 2019
Funding Type: STTR

Project Objective

The team, including Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI), will seek to develop stable perovskite core-shell nanocrystals (NCs) as alternatives to conventional inorganic downconverting phosphors. If successful, these NCs will be incorporated into current RadiantFlexTM sheets manufactured by the applicant, to demonstrate the production of high-luminous-efficacy (~200 lm/W), warm-white, high-brightness pcLED devices using remote or proximate phosphor configurations. Achieving this novel and potentially more efficient goal will require the development and optimization of perovskite core-shell NCs and their encapsulation into stable silica matrices. The key for achieving this goal will be the synthesis of highly efficient core-shell perovskite nanostructures with tunable Stokes shift.

Project Impact

The color-tunability and reduced bandwidth of these nanomaterials can be optimized to create high-color-quality white LED emission. Such LEDs are expected to have higher luminous efficacies than existing pcLED materials and comparable or improved thermal stability. Perovskite NCs can potentially be used in any downconversion LED architecture and could allow the subsequent manufacture of higher-brightness LED light engines at competitive prices than is possible using conventional designs. 


DOE Technology Manager: James Brodrick, [email protected]
Lead Performer: Hisham Menkara, PhosphorTech Corporation