Phase I grants will allow small businesses to research technical feasibility of new innovations that advance the mission of the Office of Science.
February 27, 2018WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry announced that the Department of Energy (DOE) will award 179 grants totaling $30 million to 149 small businesses in 36 states. Funded through DOE’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs, today’s selections are for Phase I research and development.
The Phase I grants will allow small businesses to research technical feasibility of new innovations that advance the mission of the Office of Science. Phase I grants are 6-12 months in duration with a median award amount of $150,000. Successful Phase I grantees will be eligible to apply for Phase II awards in FY 2019 that will allow them to develop novel prototypes or processes to validate their Phase I research findings. Phase II grants will have a median award amount of $1,000,000 and a duration up to 2 years.
Highlighted below are selected grants for each of the research and development programs that provided funding for these projects:
Office of Advanced Scientific Computing
Photonic-Storage Subsystem Input/Output Interface
Next-Generation Analysis and Visualization Platform for Manufacturing and Engineering Workflows
Security Analysis and Monitoring to Prevent Abuse of High Performance Computing Environments
Office of Basic Energy Sciences
New Approaches to Extract Graphene Quantum Dots from Coals
Simultaneous Removal of Inorganics and Organics from Fracking Water Using Supercritical Water
Extreme Temperature Sample Environment for Materials Research using Neutron Scattering
Office of Biological and Environmental Research
An in-situ Device to Monitor Root-soil-microbe Interactions
Methods for Atom Probe Tomography of Biological Materials
Ultraviolet/Near-infrared Aerosol Absorption Monitor
Office of Nuclear Physics
High Efficiency RF Power Sources for Accelerator Applications
Radiation Hardened Infrared Focal Plane Arrays
Novel Design for High Field, Large Aperture Quadrupoles for Electron-Ion Collider
Additional information on DOE’s SBIR/STTR programs is available HERE. More information about the projects announced today is available HERE.