Contact Energy Saver

Send us your comments, report problems, or get help finding information on the Energy Saver website.

Green Mailbox

Before sending a message, please see if your question can be answered here:

Media Inquiries

For media inquiries or interview requests, please contact [email protected]. 

Financing and Incentives

For information on financing and incentives for home energy improvements, including rebates and tax credits, visit the following:

Home Improvement and Technical Assistance

We are unable to provide technical assistance for specific home energy projects or troubleshoot home efficiency or equipment issues. Please contact a local contractor who can evaluate your needs. RESNET or the Building Performance Institute can help find an energy auditor or professional near you.

Products and Services

Visit our products and services section for help finding products or service providers in your area.

Note that we do not rate, evaluate, or recommend specific products or service providers.

We do not buy, sell, or advertise products of any kind.

Inventors and Entrepreneurs

DOE does not provide product reviews or financial assistance to inventors or entrepreneurs through this channel. Please visit EERE's funding and financing page for information on opportunities for businesses and inventors.

Consumer Complaints

Energy Saver is not able to offer assistance with resolving consumer complaints. You can file consumer complaints with the Federal Trade Commission.  

Fraud, Waste, or Abuse

To report suspected fraud, waste, or abuse, including scams involving home energy service companies that contract with the Department of Energy, visit the Inspector General website.