Edwin R. Deshong, III

Edwin Deshong, Deputy Manager

Mr. Edwin R. Deshong was appointed as the Deputy Manager for the United States Department of Energy Savannah River Operations Office (DOE-SR) in December 2022. Mr. Deshong has over 32 years of experience providing leadership and direction to federal and contractor staff responsible for the oversight and operation of nuclear facility operations within DOE-SR and the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) complex. Mr. Deshong supervises a staff of ~220 federal employees and provides oversight for over 12,500 contract partners supporting the missions at the Savannah River Site (SRS). 

Previously as the Site Chief Engineer with DOE-SR, he served as the principal technical advisor to senior management for all SRS issues associated with occupational safety, nuclear safety, operations, and engineering. In addition, Mr. Deshong was the Site lead for all interactions with the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board and was a key leader implementing the transfer of primary authority, accountability, and Site stewardship responsibility for SRS from DOE-SR to the NNSA Savannah River Field Office (SRFO) by 2025. 

Mr. Deshong also served as the Acting Deputy Field Office Manager, Assistant Manager for Programs, and Senior Facility Representative for SRFO. He was responsible for integrating nuclear operations, weapons quality assurance, weapons stockpile commitments, business management, nuclear security, and environmental safety and health activities. Mr. Deshong supervised a staff of ~40 federal employees and provided oversight of ~600 contractor employees responsible for executing the Tritium mission at SRS. 

Since joining DOE in 1991, Mr. Deshong has worked at numerous DOE Facilities and completed the Nuclear Executive Leadership Training requirements. He is currently qualified under the DOE Technical Qualification Program as a Senior Technical Safety Manager. Mr. Deshong received a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering Technology from South Carolina State University (1992) and a Master of Science degree in Computer Systems Management from the University of Maryland (2000).