Baseline Indoor Air Quality Field Study in Occupied New U.S. Homes: Cold and Marine Climates

Building America Team: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Partners: Cadmus Group, Washington State University, Panasonic, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, Southwest Energy Efficiency Project, Bonneville Power Administration, Western Area Power Administration, and Ecotope Inc.

Collage of indoor air quality systems.
This project is part of a national study aimed at characterizing indoor air quality in 64 occupied homes split evenly between two climate regions (32 homes per region) with varying house and ventilation characteristics, about half meeting ASHRAE 62.2 mechanical ventilation requirements. Researchers will closely monitor the use and performance of mechanical ventilation systems in these homes. Indoor and outdoor air will be sampled for formaldehyde, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, and particulates as part of the indoor air quality characterization.

A national study characterizing indoor air quality in occupied homes includes monitoring of mechanical ventilation systems and testing for formaldehyde, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, and particulates within homes in cold and marine climates.

Preliminary results:

  • Tests have been complete in 8 Portland homes
    • Two homes were tested during the wildfire “season”
  • Data collection has been complete in 14 Colorado homes
    • Analysis to follow.

Next steps:

  • Complete data collection in Boulder, CO
  • Complete data collection in Portland, OR
  • Analysis of data
  • Report results to ASHRAE 62.2 committee.


For more information, project presentations, and related publications, visit the Baseline Indoor Air Quality Field Study in Occupied New U.S. Homes: Cold and Marine Climates webpage