Oneida Indian Nation – 2017 Project

Project Overview

Oneida Indian Nation

Oneida, NY

Project Title
Oneida Indian Nation Energy Master Planning Project

Type of Application
First Steps toward Developing Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency on Tribal Lands

DOE Grant Number

Project Amounts
DOE: $153,977
Awardee: $17,146
Total: $171,123

Project Status
See project status

Project Period of Performance
Start: September 2017
End: November 2018

NOTE: Project pages are being updated regularly to reflect changes, if any; however, some of the information may be dated.


The goal of the Oneida Indian Nation Energy Master Planning Project is to conduct a baseline energy analysis of all Nation properties and facilities to meet the objectives of: 1) establishing a system for setting energy efficiency improvement goals; 2) developing an evaluation tool to assist with future comparison of energy usage; and 3) providing a comprehensive analysis of energy consumption to enable the development of a plan that will result in less energy use, increase energy efficiency in tribal buildings, and increase available funding to meet the Nation’s economic and environmental priorities.  

Project Description


The Oneida Indian Nation is a federally recognized, self-governing sovereign Indian nation with about 1,000 enrolled members. The Nation has identified long-range goals to guide the social and economic development of its community: 1) help members achieve their highest potential; 2) implement the legal and administrative structure for the stability and protection of the Nation; and 3) acquire, develop and secure resources for empowerment and self-sufficiency.

In the face of planned development and expansion to support the tribal program and services, the Nation remains committed to its environmental and cultural goals and values and will continue to focus on improved energy efficiency and environmentally sound practice on its lands. To meet the long-term energy goals, the Nation is committed to continually improving and enhancing its environmental performance, which includes pollution prevention, waste reduction, the wise use of both renewable and nonrenewable resources, and the conservation of energy.

This project will enable the Nation to further support its efforts to maintain government programs and services by streamlining economic efficiency and to protect its environment and natural resources.

Project Objectives and Scope

Through the proposed Oneida Indian Nation Energy Master Planning Project, the Nation will establish baseline energy use and efficiency options for its tribal properties and facilities. The goal of the project is to conduct a baseline energy analysis of all Nation properties and facilities to meet the objectives of: 1) establishing a system for setting energy efficiency improvement goals; 2) developing an evaluation tool to assist with future comparison of energy usage; and 3) providing a comprehensive analysis of energy consumption to enable the development of a plan that will result in less use of energy, increase energy efficiency in tribal buildings, and increase available funding to meet the Nation’s economic and environmental priorities.

The objectives will be met by: 1) performing a baseline energy analysis and audit of 50 Nation properties and facilities; 2) identifying opportunities for energy savings; 3) establishing a system for meeting energy efficiency improvement goals; and (4) developing an evaluation tool to assist with future comparison of energy usage. This will provide the Nation with a comprehensive analysis of energy consumption and lead to the development of a plan to move forward with the implementation of energy efficiency measures. The plan will establish a system for setting energy efficiency improvement goals, as well as develop an evaluation tool to assist with future comparison of energy usage. This will guide the Nation’s future infrastructure planning development.

Project Location

This project includes benchmarking and energy audits conducted on 50 tribal buildings and facilities located on the Oneida Indian Nation land in central New York State. The Reservation is about 96 square miles (8 miles by 12 miles) and is located in parts of two counties on the west side of the Green Bay metropolitan area. Land use is primarily agriculture and suburban. 

Project Status

The project is complete. For additional details, see the final report.

The project was competitively selected under the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Indian Energy Fiscal Year 2016 funding opportunity announcement “First Steps Toward Developing Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency on Tribal Lands – 2016” (DE-FOA-0001621) and started in September 2017.

The November 2017December 2018, and November 2019 project status reports provide more information.