Project Title: Residential Property Assessed Clean Energy Financing Platform
Funding Opportunity: Technology to Market 3
Solar Subprogram: Technology to Market
Location: Oakland, CA
Amount Awarded: $3,000,000
Awardee Cost Share: $1,500,000

This project is building an online platform that will target and prequalify eligible homeowners, specifically low- and moderate-income homeowners, for Residential Property Assessed Clean Energy (R-PACE) financing. R-PACE is a financing mechanism for solar, energy efficiency and water conservation upgrades for residential property owners. Homeowners will be matched with the most appropriate solar and energy efficiency product bundle, R-PACE administrator, and installer.


The project team will design the online platform to match low to moderate income homeowners with the most appropriate solar and energy efficiency product bundle, R-PACE administrator, and installer. This R-PACE platform will execute and automate business processes where tasks, information or documents are passed from one R-PACE stakeholder to another for action, according to a set of procedural rules.


This project will streamline the process of obtaining R-PACE financing for low- and moderate-income homeowners. Currently, R-PACE must be authorized by states and by the local authority having jurisdiction, each of which has different rules. By matching homeowners with the most appropriate solar and energy efficiency product bundle, R-PACE administrator, and installer, this platform will execute and automate business processes where tasks, information, or documents are passed from one R-PACE stakeholder to another for action, eliminating confusion and simplifying the entire process.