Executive Secretariat

The Office of the Executive Secretariat manages the Department’s top-level written communications, such as letters, information, action, and decision memos, and Congressional Reports.  These form a key component of the Department's interaction with the White House, Congress, other governmental agencies, and the public.  Every communication that leaves DOE is an opportunity to promote this Department's and this Administration's strategic mission.  Items that are well written, responsive, and timely reflect well on DOE.

The Executive Secretariat is organized into the following main areas:

  1. Document Management. The Executive Secretariat receives, controls, and tracks correspondence and other written and electronic documents, including classified material. These documents are either addressed to the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Under Secretaries, or members of the Office of the Secretary staff, or they are sent to the Department from the White House, the Congress, and Tribal leaders. In addition, The Executive Secretariat sets standards for document preparation through its Correspondence Guide.  Information and guidance on the standards for document preparation, document handling and concurrence (or Collaborative Action Process [CAP]), are available to Departmental personnel under the Executive Secretariat on the Department’s Powerpedia, available to DOENet users only.
  2. Executive Commitments and Information Management. The Executive Secretariat is the focal point for the dissemination of information, particularly electronic information, throughout the Department. It provides information including executive messages, correspondence and executive commitments reports, and information about important events or development opportunities for Department and contractor staff.
  3. Executive Records Management. The Executive Secretariat serves as the central Department records repository for all official documents and departmental actions and decisions, including classified material, for the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, and Under Secretaries.
  4. Conference Approval Management. The Executive Secretariat coordinates the DOE Conference Approval process for conferences exceeding $500k in estimated DOE costs which require Under Secretarial or Deputy Secretary approval.
  5. Ad Hoc Support to the Office of the Secretary. The Executive Secretariat regularly responds to special requests from the Office of the Secretary.  Requests include preparation of briefing papers and talking points and coordinating particular Department-wide activities. The Secretariat coordinates information security as well as information technology for the Office of the Secretary.