PROJECT PROFILE: University of California at Riverside (ENERGISE)

Title: Integration of a Distributed Energy Resource Management System in Riverside
Funding Opportunity: ENERGISE
SunShot Subprogram: Systems Integration
Location: Riverside, CA
Amount Awarded: $2,420,013
Awardee Cost Share: $3,799,174

This project is working to design, deploy, and validate at scale a novel distributed energy resource management system. Its main component will be a sophisticated numerical analysis platform that will enable a network management solution for real-time control. The solution provides secure and optimal dispatch of distributed energy resources for power system networks (both transmission and distribution) on feeders with over 50 percent photovoltaic penetration.


The research team will develop algorithms for a hierarchical platform that meets scalability and performance requirements. They will then complete interoperability and scalability testing of the solution and prepare it for field validation in the City of Riverside Public Utilities service territory. The goal is to prove the technical solution in the field and collect sufficient data to justify its commercial viability.


This project will automate integration and control of distributed energy resource clusters with advanced sensor data, producing a novel adaptive control algorithm to improve distribution system operations and simultaneously contribute to transmission-level services.