Fuel Cell Technologies Office Newsletter: September 2017

In the News

Celebrate Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day

Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day, aptly celebrated on October 8 to represent the atomic weight of hydrogen (1.008), brings together industry, academia, national labs, government, and other stakeholders to bring awareness to hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. Commemorate the day by making a media announcement about your hydrogen or fuel cell project, writing a blog about how hydrogen can impact the energy sector, or making a social media post using the hashtags #HydrogenNow or #FuelCellsNow.

4 Ways Fuel Cells Power Up the U.S. Military

From powering soldier gear to flying unmanned aircrafts, fuel cells are becoming an attractive option for the U.S. military. Their ability to produce clean, reliable electricity from hydrogen on-site is being used in a variety of ways to help soldiers protect our national security—and improve energy efficiency at the same time. Read a recent blog about four developing fuel cell technologies that will help power the U.S. military.

U.S. Department of Energy Releases 2016 Business Case for Fuel Cells, Highlights Private Sector Investment

On September 11, the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Fuel Cell Technologies Office in the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy announced the release of the 2016 Business Case for Fuel Cells, an annual report providing an overview of recent private sector fuel cell installations at U.S. businesses.

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Webinars and Workshops

Webinar September 27: Lowering Costs of Hydrogen Pipelines through Use of Fiber Reinforced Polymers and Modern Steels

FCTO presented a webinar titled "Lowering Costs of Hydrogen Pipelines through Use of Fiber Reinforced Polymers and Modern Steels" on Wednesday, September 27. Savannah River National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories researchers provided an overview of the testing that led to code modifications allowing for the use of fiber-reinforced polymer in 100-bar hydrogen service. Additionally, researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology discussed ongoing modeling efforts for hydrogen embrittlement, allowing for predictions of steel life in pipelines. See slides from the webinar (recording coming soon).

Visit our website to see webinar archives or workshop presentations.

Studies, Reports, and Publications

Water Consumption for Light-Duty Vehicles' Transportation Fuels Record Posted

Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Record #17005 provides the life-cycle analysis results on freshwater consumption associated with various transportation fuels for use in light-duty vehicles in the United States. The record shows that the life-cycle water consumption for fuel cell electric vehicles can be comparable to that for conventional gasoline vehicles for certain fuel pathways.

Visit our website to access technical information about hydrogen and fuel cells. This information is provided in documents such as technical and project reports, conference proceedings and journal articles, technical presentations, and links to other websites.