GM0140 – Building-Integrated, Economic Dispatch

Lead Performer: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – Richland, WA


September 13, 2017
minute read time

Lead Performer: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory – Richland, WA
-- Oak Ridge National Laboratory – Oak Ridge, TN
-- Arizona State University – Tempe, AZ
-- Washington State University – Pullman, WA
DOE Total Funding: $2,750,000
Project Term: March 31, 2016 – September 30, 2021
Funding Opportunity: DOE Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium (GMLC) Lab Call

Project Objective

As a part of the Department of Energy’s Grid Modernization Initiative, the Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium projects represent a comprehensive portfolio of critical research and development in advanced storage systems, clean energy integration, standards and test procedures, and a number of other key grid modernization areas.

This project aims to design, develop, field test, and validate a VOLTTRON controller for economic dispatch of building-integrated combined cooling heating and power (CCHP) systems, in order to maximize building owner return-on-investment, improve energy efficiency and grid reliability, and improve consumer and utility benefits from CCHP. The project’s primary objective is to provide a general procedure for formulating an economic dispatch algorithm in a commercial building to achieve optimal day-ahead scheduling of CCHP systems and realize optimal real-time operation. A secondary objective is to provide CCHP system performance monitoring, automated fault detection and diagnostics, and automated continuous commissioning.

Project Impact

A multipurpose economic dispatch and control tool, alongside associated open-source algorithms, can ensure the real-time optimal operation of buildings, increase electric grid reliability, and lead to the goal of clean, efficient, reliable, and affordable next-generation integrated energy systems.


DOE Technology Manager: Joe Hagerman
Principal Investigator: Srinivas Katipamula, PNNL

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