
The Office of Travel Management serves as the Department's point of contact for the following services:

Travel Management Center (TMC)

The Office of the Chief Financial Officer oversees the Travel Management Center (TMC).

The Reservation Center phone number is 1-888-205-2369 (same number for emergency after-hours).

In addition, travel arrangements can be made via e:mail at [email protected], or [email protected]. A transaction fee is charged for each ticket issued.

For questions about the Travel Management Center, email: [email protected].

See ADTRAV Travel Bulletins at:

Sustainable Travel

Official Travel, Domestic and Foreign

Official travel is any travel by a federal or contract employee who is conducting U.S. government business for authorized and official purposes. DOE federal travelers approved to travel for official purposes must make travel reservations through the Department of Energy E-Gov Travel Service 2 (eTS2).

ADTRAV Travel Management is one of the Department of Energy’s Travel Management Centers, providing a full range of travel agent services including, but not limited to, arranging and booking official travel for individuals and groups; making travel related reservations; providing customer service; reconciling central billed accounts; and providing travel related reports and information to management.  

All Federal employees' travel for DOE requires prior travel authorization and approval in the eTS 2 at:

Official Foreign Travel

Official foreign travel is defined as approved travel (whether wholly or partly on official business) from the United States (including Alaska, Hawaii, the Commonwealths of Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands, and the territories and possessions of the United States) to a foreign country and return or travel between foreign countries by persons, including foreign nationals, or persons whose salaries or travel expenses or both will ultimately be funded in whole or in part by DOE/NNSA from its appropriations.  Official foreign travel may also include travel funded by non-DOE or non-NNSA sources for which the traveler represents the Department or NNSA or conducts business on behalf of the U.S. Government.

The Department of State offers a free Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to U.S. citizens who are traveling to, or living in, a foreign country.  Registration allows you to record information about your upcoming trip abroad that the Department of State can use to assist you in case of an emergency.  The Department of State will also provide Travel Alerts and Warnings through STEP.  To enroll please go to:

Foreign Travel Training Required by the State Department

Required Foreign Travel Training
Course NumberCourse TitleRequired for:Course ContentValidity
CT650Foreign Affairs Counter Threat (FACT)All US government personnel who will be on official duty overseas for 90 or more cumulative days in a 12-month period.In-Person 40-hour course is intended to provide experience in managing risk, planning, security awareness, surveillance detection personnel recovery, tactical medicine, fire as a weapon, react to contact, self-defense and driving.
Apply via the Foreign Services Institute.
6 Years
CT401Counter Threat Awareness Training (CTAT)All US government personnel who will be on official duty overseas for 89 or less cumulative days in a 12-month period.The on-line course covers risk management, operational medicine, surveillance detection, self-defense, personnel recovery, defensive driving awareness of threats from explosives and countermeasures. 
Apply via the Department's Learning Nucleus or the Foreign Services Institute.
6 Years
MQ911Security Overseas Seminar (SOS)All US government personnel who will be on official duty overseas for 45 or more cumulative days in a 12-month period.This course is designed to prepare workers and their families for security challenges oversees.  
Apply via the Foreign Services Institute.
Does not expire
PN113Introduction to Working in an EmbassyAll US government personnel who will be on official duty overseas for 30 days or more cumulative days in a calendar year.This course is designed to prepare workers and their families for security challenges oversees. Subject matter experts provide information and guidance on a range of topics which include personal security, environmental hazards, explosive devices, fire safety evacuation planning, crisis management and hostage survival.
Apply via the Foreign Services Institute.
Does not expire


Foreign Travel Management System (FTMS)

The Foreign Travel Management System (FTMS) is a DOE-wide centralized system for recording, tracking, and securing approvals of all foreign travel conducted by DOE Federal employees and contractors. In order for DOE Federal employees and contractors to conduct international travel, the trip request must be entered and approved in FTMS.  Prior to final approval within FTMS, country clearance must be obtained from the respective country(ies) to be visited.  The system is located at:  FTMS should be available from most, if not all, DOE sites (you need to be attached to a DOE network to access it).

Processing Foreign Travel at DOE includes the following requirements:

  1. Approved Travel Authorization in the electronic Travel System 2 (eTS2) (Federal employees only)
  2. A completed trip request in FTMS
  3. Country Clearance Approval
  4. Valid Official or Diplomatic Passport
  5. Appropriate and valid Visa(s)
  6. Review of required immunizations
  7. Letter of Invitation (LOI) - when required

Official Travel Regulations and Guidelines

Travel Services Training Videos

Travel Training Videos are being developed to address reoccurring issues found on DOE-HQ travel vouchers, and to educate DOE travelers and approving officials on travel requirements.

The videos are for DOE employees only, and are available though Powerpedia the Department's internal collaboration system.  Please follow this link to the Office of Travel Management's page with the links to the videos and other travel related resources.  The Powerpedia is accessible to all DOE employees while logged onto a DOE network.

Travel Services Training Videos
Name of VideoDescriptionKey Topics

Basic Reminders of Travel Approving Official’s role when Approving Travel Vouchers. (4:51)

Posted 11/27/2019







Become familiar with the DOE’s Travel Approving Official’s role in approving Travel Vouchers and know what to verify before approving a Travel Voucher.






Look for items out of compliance and ensure a proper justification is provided.

Ensure that the Traveler has selected the correct method (CASH/IBA/CBA) of reimbursement on travel voucher.

Ensure proper receipts are attached.

Know where to find the Federal Travel Regulation and who to contact for further guidance.

How to upload an attachment in ConcurGov once travel documents have been approved. (2:41)

Posted 12/21/2020

Become familiar with uploading attachments into Concur after your voucher or authorization has been approved.

Learn what various documentation may be required to be uploaded in to ConcurGov as a part of the travel approval process.

Amending an approved voucher or authorization is not necessary in order to upload supporting documentation.

Step by Step process on how to upload supporting documentation in to ConcurGov.

Personal travel to an alternate location at the end of official travel. (3:37)

Posted 03/31/2023

Become familiar with what is required when adding personal travel to an alternate location at the end of official travel (in other words a personal deviation).

Complete a cost comparison and include it with your travel authorization.

Ensure proper receipts are attached when completing the travel voucher.

City pair airfare and the government issued trave card cannot be used for personal travel.

What to do when methods of reimbursement on a Travel Authorization for payment of airfare/hotel/rental car (and other expenses) differs from that specified on a Travel Voucher (In Production)  

U.S. Passports and Visa Services (Official and Diplomatic)

The Office of Travel Management (MA-45) provides a variety of services, which facilitate DOE’s international travel for Official or Diplomatic purposes.  The Department of Energy has an authorized Passport unit, and as such, administers Official and Diplomatic Passport and Visa applications and forward to the Department of State for approval.  Further information regarding DOE employees requesting an Official or Diplomatic Passport is available on the Powerpedia, Passports and Visa Services.

The Passport is an internationally recognized travel document that verifies the identity and nationality of the bearer.  A valid U.S. Passport is required to enter and leave most foreign countries.  All persons, whether U.S. Citizens or foreign nationals, must present a valid passport or alternate approved travel document to enter or depart from the United States by air. Additional information is available at the following websites:

Official and Diplomatic Passports are the property of the U.S. Government and are authorized for Official Use Only.  An Official Passport is issued to an official or employee of the U.S. Government proceeding abroad in the discharge of official duties.  Where appropriate, dependents of such persons may be issued Official passports (22 Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1 51.3 (c)(1)).  A Diplomatic Passport is issued to a Foreign Service Officer, a person in the diplomatic service or to a person having diplomatic status either because of the nature of his or her foreign mission or by reason of the office he or she holds.  Where appropriate, dependents of such persons may be issued Diplomatic passports (22 Code of Federal Regulations Chapter 1 51.3 (d)).

U.S. Passport Applications must be completed online via the Department of State's website at:  The completed form must be printed and submitted with an original signature, to the Office of Travel Management (MA-45) in room GE-180, Forrestal Headquarters.  Typically, advance timing of 3-4 weeks is needed for DOE to process and obtain a passport from the Department of State.  The requirements for an Official passport include:

  • the passport application,
  • two photos,
  • Proof of birth (passport, expired passport, or birth certificate),
  • Memo on the agency letterhead to the Director, Office of Travel Management, which provides information about the traveler’s grade, title, pending trip, and purpose of travel.

The Visa is a stamp placed in the passport, issued by the foreign consular officials at the Embassy of the foreign country which indicates that country’s approval of your visit and granting permission for you to enter that country for a specific time duration. Most countries require that a passport be valid for at least six months beyond the dates of travel before a visa can be issued.

Visa requirements for official travel differ from the visa requirements for personal and private industry travel.  Processing times for visas are dictated by the various embassies.  When planning official travel, employees are reminded to allow sufficient time for the passport and/or visa application(s) to be processed and returned to DOE. 

Important Notes:

  • Original signatures are required for each Visa Application.
  • Foreign embassies will not issue a visa in Official or Diplomatic Passports without a letter from the Department of State.
  • For purposes of official travel for DOE all officials are required to use a Diplomatic or Official  passport for a number of reasons:
  1. A Diplomatic or Official visa cannot be stamped into a tourist passport.
  2. A visa will not be granted for entry into a foreign country when the reason for travel to that country is stated as official business and the tourist passport is presented.
  3. Some countries will deny entry at the border to individuals entering the country on official government business when they arrive with only a tourist passport and not the official passport.  Further problems may also occur upon departure from that country.
  4. Violation of Sovereignty.  Use of the tourist passport when traveling in an official capacity misrepresents the true purpose for which the traveler has entered the country.  This can have serious and adverse affects on the U.S. reciprocal relations with foreign countries.
  5. Security concerns. Should there be a problem which in the host country, the official passport provides quicker access to officials of the host country government and greater protection.

Non-Refundable Airfare Guidance

  • Travelers need to be 99.9% certain of itinerary.
  • The closer to departure date, the higher the price of a non-refundable ticket.
  • Non-refundable airfares should be ticketed within 24 hours of booking; however, this does not guarantee the airfare will be available.  Carrier tariff’s change frequently throughout a 24-hour period and are never guaranteed until ticketed.
  • All non-refundable tickets should be purchased on the CBA.

The employee and approving official are to be fully aware of all of the terms and conditions of the ticket.

The program office and approving official are responsible for ensuring that the ticket is reused for official business on a future trip and is not used by the employee for personal use in the unanticipated event that the ticket is not used for the planned trip.


  • Non-refundable seats are NOT upgradable.
  • Non-refundable seat maps are very limited, so seats may not be desirable by the traveler.


Travel authorization must provide a justification for use of the non-contract.


Non-refundable is exactly that – if a traveler does not travel, or does not use all tickets, DOE will not receive a refund as such when using a contract fare.

Fully unused ticket – value of the ticket available usually 1 year from date of ticket issuance (not date of travel).  Some conditions vary.  Penalties and fees apply when fully unused ticket applied.

Outbound used, return unused – partial used tickets have NO value for future travel.

Only fully unused tickets will receive a credit, credits are not transferrable and only valid for one year from date of ticket issuance not dates of travel.

If the outbound is not taken, the return can never be used on a non-refundable ticket.  The carrier will negate the value of the ticket and show the reservation as “no-show.” 

Reservations must be cancelled or value of ticket is lost.  This applies to outbound and return segments.  If you are late for your outbound flight, the carrier will indicate traveler as a “no show.”

If a traveler leaves the Department before using the credit, cost for the unused return is lost.

For further information follow this link for the FAQs on non-refundable tickets.

Travel FAQs

Click here to go to the Travel FAQs


MAAdm updated 09/05/24