Parking and Garage

Parking in the Forrestal Garage

During normal business hours, Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., all vehicles parked in the Forrestal garage must display a valid, paid, monthly or daily permit.

After Hours Parking

The Forrestal Parking Garage is available for parking for all DOE employees with a valid DOE badge between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on weekdays, and all day on weekends and holidays.  A DOE badge is required for access.  Prior to 5:00 pm on weekdays, only permit holders are allowed in the garage.

Forrestal Garage Parking Pass Website

Employees may purchase parking permits through the online parking system at

Use Google Chrome Browser to Set Up Account and Payment Information

  • Google Chrome is the recommended browser to transact many of the account and payment functions on the Forrestal garage parking pass website, such as setting up an account, adding payment information, and making changes to an existing account.
  • Other browsers may work for other website functions.  

Setting Up An Account for Day Pass or Monthly Permit to the Forrestal Garage with the Online Pay-For-Parking System

Before getting started you will need:

  • a personal credit card,
  • your vehicles' make, model, and tag number (license plate)


  • Go to the Forrestal Online Pay-for-Parking website at:      
  • Register for a New Account by clicking either the Register Day Pass Account module or the Register For New Parking Permit module.
  • Input the account information requested (Personal, Vehicle, Additional and Payment).  Fill out all of the information requested on the Account Registration page.  All fields marked with an asterisk indicate a required field.  When complete click on Register Profile at the bottom of the page.  You must read and accept the Terms of Service to complete the account registration.

You will receive a follow-up e-mail with your account credentials once your new account application has been reviewed and approved.

Daily Parking Permits for the Forrestal Garage

Forrestal Garage Daily Permits are $5.00 per day.  All vehicles parked in the Forrestal garage must display a valid, paid Daily or Monthly permit.

Employees may purchase parking permits through the online parking system at

Federal Employees:

  • Daily permits for Federal employees will not be limited.
  • It is preferred that federal employees use the online system for daily permit purchases.
  • If a federal employee wants to purchase a daily permit at the Parking Management Office or at the attendant booth in the garage, they may do so if they have an account in the online parking system, with a valid credit card in the system. Daily permit purchases will still be paid via the credit card in the online parking system even if the sale is processed with the assistance of parking office staff.
  • No refunds will be issued on daily permit purchases regardless of the method used to purchase the permit.

Contractor Employees:

  • There are a limited amount of contractor permits, and they will be sold on a first-come first-serve basis.
  • The number of passes available for purchase will vary by day of the week and is subject to change.
  • Contractors may purchase a pass for any or all of the available days in the weekly purchase window.
  • Only one permit may be purchased for a specific day, the purchasing of multiple permits for the same day is not allowed (i.e. purchasing permits for other Contractors).

Monthly Parking Permits for the Forrestal Garage

The rate for a Monthly Forrestal Parking Permit is $55.80.  All vehicles parked in the Forrestal garage must display a valid, paid Daily or Monthly permit.

Employees may purchase parking permits through the online parking system at

Further information on applying and qualifying for Monthly Parking Permits is available to DOE employees through the DOE Energy Hub section on the Forrestal Garage (access restricted to DOE employees attached to a DOE network).

Further Information on Parking at Forrestal and Germantown Office Sites

DOE employees can access the DOE Energy Hub section on Parking and Transportation to learn more about parking options and guidance.  The Energy Hub is DOE employee access only, an employee must be logged onto a DOE network to access this resource. 

Forrestal Garage Permit Holder Responsibilities

  • DOE employees driving into the Forrestal garage must have a valid DOE security badge and a valid parking permit.  The parking permit must be displayed in their vehicles between the hours of 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • The 9th street garage entrance will be limited to DOE employees with a valid security badge and a valid parking permit.
  • The 12th Street entrance can be used by any DOE employee, visitors, and employees who have forgotten or lost their security badge.
  • Visitors must provide a DOE parking confirmation number and have their vehicle inspected before they will be permitted to enter the garage.  Parking attendants will direct visitors to their designated parking area.
  • To ensure the safety of Protective Force officers when entering the garage, permit holders should prominently display their parking permits on the right side (passenger side) of the vehicle’s front window.  This will allow the officers to inspect the parking permit without crossing in front of or behind vehicles entering the garage.
  • If personal vehicles are found parked in the Forrestal garage that are not displaying a valid parking permit, Parking Office staff will issue a Notice of Infraction.  Repeated instances of vehicles being parked in the garage without a valid parking permit displayed may result in ticketing and/or towing by the Federal Protective Service. 
  • Parking permits must be displayed on the driver's side of the dashboard. The parking permit must be fully and clearly visible, and include the names and current office telephone numbers (not voice mail number) of all permit holders in the garage. Vehicles that do not display a monthly parking permit are subject to an irrevocable parking ticket issued by the Federal Protective Service and/or a notice of violation issued by the Parking Management Office.
  • Employees will comply with all posted directional signs and observe safety and traffic regulations while operating a vehicle in the parking facility. It is expected that all drivers will be courteous to other drivers, pedestrians, and attendants.

Your cooperation is appreciated.  Please contact the Parking Office on (202) 586-5235 if you have any questions or need further assistance.

Disabled Employees

The Office of Human Capital’s (HC) Employee and Labor Relations (E&LR) Division is the point-of-contact (POC) for reviewing requests for handicap parking permits.  Please contact the servicing E&LR Specialist for your organization. HC will then make a recommendation to the Parking Management Office regarding the disabled employee's parking permit request.

The roster of the Office of Human Capital's Labor Management/Employee Relation (E&LR) contacts for each organization is available through the following link:

Note: the roster of the E&LR contacts is only available to devices attached (logged on) to the DOE Network.  Any device not on the DOE Network will get an error message when trying to access the document.

Car Searches

All vehicles entering the Forrestal garage are subject to search.

Forrestal Garage Parking Guidelines

Departure Procedures

At the end of the workday, all vehicles must be moved by the posted lane departure time. Employees who fail to move their vehicles within 15 minutes of the posted departure times or when asked to do so by another employee will receive a violation notice and may be towed; parking privileges for such employees may be suspended and/or terminated.

Permit holders who are blocked may call the permit holder blocking them and ask that they move their vehicle in order that they may leave the garage. If the vehicle has not been moved within 15 minutes of the posted lane departure time, notify an attendant so that the vehicle may be ticketed. If an attendant is not available, take down the appropriate information and turn it into the Parking Management Office the next day.

Guidelines for Leaving Early

Employees who intend to leave during the workday should park in lanes designated for such access and egress if available. If such parking is not available, a parking attendant should be asked to provide assistance.

Obeying the "Stop" Signs!

Obey the Speed Limits!

The speed limit in the garage is 5 mph. The speed limit is there for your own protection whether walking to your car or driving. If a ticket is received from the Federal Protective Service, a monetary fine will be assessed and can only be appealed in Federal Traffic Court.

Heed Directional Signs

The garage only has one lane, and vehicles are to be driven in one direction. Employees will comply with all posted directional signs and observe safety and traffic regulations while operating a vehicle at the parking facility.  The Parking Committee may suspend for 1 month the permit of individuals who fail to follow directions provided by the parking attendants.

Pop Up Barriers

Caution should be used when approaching vehicle entrances and exits to the Forrestal Building. Be sure you present your badge and clearly display your parking permit on the driver's side dashboard. Establish eye to eye contact with the security officer on duty. Gain the security officer's acknowledgment to halt or proceed and follow admittance and exit with caution.