Eagle LNG Partners Jacksonville II LLC - FE Dkt. No. 17-79-LNG

Application requesting Long-term, Multi-contract Authorization to Export LNG to FTA/NFTA Nations.

Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management

March 13, 2023
minute read time

The Office of Fossil Energy (FE) of the Department of Energy (DOE) gives notice of receipt of an application (Application), filed on June 15, 2017, by Eagle LNG Partners Jacksonville II LLC (Eagle Maxville), seeking a long-term multi-contract authorization to export domestically produced liquefied natural gas (LNG) up to the equivalent of 2.8 billion cubic feet of natural gas per year to Free Trade Agreement (FTA) countries, and to Non-Free Trade Agreement (NFTA) countries.  Authorization is for a 20-year period commencing on the earlier of the date of first export or five years from the date the authorization is issued. Eagle LNG proposes to export LNG from its proposed LNG terminal site to be located in west Jacksonville, Florida, to any country with the capacity to import LNG via ocean-going carrier, and with which trade is not prohibited by U.S. law or policy.

A Federal Register Notice will not be Issued for the FTA portion of this application. 

As part of this analysis in issuing this Order, DOE will consider the following two studies examing the cumulative impacts of exporting domestically produced LNG:

Additionally, DOE will consider the following environmental documents: 


NO.        DATE: FILED BY:                             DESCRIPTION OF DOCUMENT   
1. 06/15/2017 Eagle LNG Partners Jacksonville II LLC (Eagle Maxville) Applcation for long-term, multi-contract authorization to Export LNG to FTA and NFTA Countries
2. 07/05/2017 U.S. Department of Energy F.R. Published 82 FR 31050; Comments Due 8/4/17
3. 08/14/2017 Eagle LNG Partners Jacksonville II LLC Updates and Clarifications  Relating to Eagle's Application
4. 08/10/2017 U.S. Department of Energy

Categorical Exclusion Determination

5. 09/15/2017 U.S. Department of Energy Opinion and Order 4078 Granting Long-term, Multi-contract Authorization to Export Liquefied Natural Gas in ISO Containers Loaded at the Eagle Maxville Facility in Jacksonville, Florida, and Exported by Vessel to Free Trade Agreement and Non-free Trade Agreement Nations.
6. 12/13/2018 U.S. Department of Energy Policy Statement on LNG Destination Reporting
7. 02/11/2020 U.S. Department of Energy

Published Notice 85 FR 7672: Policy Statement Extending Natural Gas Export Authorizations to Non-free Trade Agreement Countries Through the Year 2050.

Federal Register Notice

The Comment Page

8. 07/29/2020 U.S. Department of Energy Signed Federal Register Notice Extending Natural Gas Export Authorizations to Non-Free Trade Agreement Countries Through the Year 2050
9. 08/25/2020 U.S. Department of Energy 85 FR 52237 - Published Federal Register Notice Extending Natural Gas Export Authorizations to Non-Free Trade Agreement Countries Through the Year 2050
10. 11/30/2020 Eagle LNG Partners Jacksonville II LLC Application to Amend Export Term for Existing Long-Term Export Authorizations Through December 31, 2050
11. 12/07/2020 U.S. Department of Energy 85 FR 78840 - Published Federal Register Notice Application To Amend Export Term Through December 31, 2050, for Existing Non-Free Trade Agreement Authorization
12. 12/17/2020 U.S. Department of Energy Categorical Exclusion Determination (CX)
13. 12/18/2020 U.S. Department of Energy Policy Statement on Including Short-Term Export Authority in Long-Term LNG Export Authorizations
14. 12/23/2020 U.S. Department of Energy Categorical Exclusion Determination
14. 12/30/2020 U.S. Department of Energy Order 4078-A Extending Export Term for Authorizations to Free Trade and Non-Free Trade Agreement Nations Through December 31, 2050 
15. 03/12/2023 U.S. Department of Energy Order Granting Long-Term Authorization to Export Liquefied Natural Gas to Free Trade Agreement Nations, for Small-Scale Exports of Liquefied Natural Gas, and Vacating Prior Authorization
16. 05/19/2023 Eagle LNG Partners Jacksonville II LLC Request for Redesignation of
Previously Filed Contract Information, Summaries and Contracts