Continuity of Operations at Bonneville Power Administration
November 6, 2007November 6, 2007
Continuity of Operations at Bonneville Power Administration
In the event of a major disruption to its nonnal operations, Bonneville must be prepared to continue its essential functions, particularly its power scheduling, tra~lsmission scheduling, and system operations. In this regard, Bonneville is required to follow Federal Preparedness Circular 65 (FPC 65), as prescribed by the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency. Under FPC 65, agencies are to develop viable contingency plans. The Circular also provides a number of key steps that agencies should take for continuity of operations. Specifically, it recommends that each agency: ( I ) prepare alternate operating facilities; (2) establish a devolution plan to be implemented if it is incapable of performing essential functions from either its prlmary or alternate facility; and (3) test the capabilities of its continuity of operations program. The objective of the audit was to determine whether Bonrleville had a viable continuity of operations capability for its essential functions.