In February 2017, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Wind Energy Technologies Office held their Peer Review Meeting in Arlington, Virginia.
Wind Energy Technologies Office
March 16, 2017In February 2017, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Wind Energy Technologies Office held their Peer Review Meeting in Arlington, Virginia. The purpose of the meetings was to evaluate wind energy research and development projects funded by DOE between 2014 and 2016 for contributions to DOE’s mission and goals, and to assess progress made against stated objectives.
This PDF includes the following presentations:
Wind Market Acceleration and Deployment Track Overview
Jocelyn Brown-Saracino, Acting Market Acceleration and Deployment Program Manager
Modeling and Analysis Program Overview
Patrick Gilman, Program Manager, Modeling and Analysis
- Cost of Energy, Policy Impact Analysis, and Market Report
Ryan H. Wiser, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Stakeholder Engagement, Education, and Outreach Overview
Jocelyn Brown-Saracino, Acting Market Acceleration and Deployment Program Manager
- Public Acceptance Baseline Analysis (FY15 & FY16)
Ben Hoen, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - WINDExchange and Regional Wind Resource Centers: Stakeholder Engagement and Outreach
Ian Baring-Gould, National Renewable Energy Laboratory - Collegiate Wind Competition
Elise DeGeorge, National Renewable Energy Laboratory - Wind for Schools (WfS)
Mark Jacobson, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Grid Integration Program Overview
Charlton I. Clark, Grid Program Manager
- Grid System Planning for Wind Integration Studies: ERGIS and WWSIS
Aaron Bloom, National Renewable Energy Laboratory - Wind Generator Modeling
Benjamin Karlson and Eduard Muljadi, Sandia National Laboratories and National Renewable Energy Laboratory - Stochastic Tool Evaluation
Audun Botterud, Argonne National Laboratory - Distributed Wind Integration
Bri-Mathias Hodge, National Renewable Energy Laboratory - Grid System Planning for Wind: Grid Integration Support, UVIG, IEEE, NERC, FERC, IEA Task 25
David Corbus, National Renewable Energy Laboratory - Concurrent Cooling
Jake P. Gentle, Idaho National Laboratory - Grid System Planning for Wind: ESIF (Connecting the National Wind Test Center at NREL to the Energy Systems Integration Facility)
David Corbus, National Renewable Energy Laboratory - Grid System Operations for Wind: Analysis Using PMU Data and Dynamic Analysis
Eduard Muljadi, National Renewable Energy Laboratory - Active Power Control (APC) from Wind Power
YC Zhang, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Environmental and Siting Research Portfolio
Jocelyn Brown-Saracino, Acting Market Acceleration and Deployment Program Manager
- Wind Turbine RCS Mitigation
Benjamin Karlson, Sandia National Laboratories - Wind Turbine – Radar Interference Mitigation R&D
Jason Biddle, MIT Lincoln Laboratory - Environmental Collaborative Research and Support
Karin Sinclair, National Renewable Energy Laboratory - Texturizing Wind Turbine Towers to Reduce Bat Mortality
Amanda Hale, Texas Christian University - A Biomimetic Ultrasonic Whistle for Use as a Bat Deterrent on Wind Turbines
Paul R. Sievert, University of Massachusetts Amherst - Rotor-Mounted Bat Impact Mitigation System
Myron Miller, Frontier Wind - Ultrasonic Bat Deterrent Technology
Kevin Kinzie, General Electric Company - Evaluating the Effectiveness of Ultrasonic Acoustic Deterrents in Reducing Bat Fatalities at Wind Energy Facilities
Cris Hein, Bat Conservation International - OSW Environmental Data Aggregation, Analysis, and Dissemination
Andrea Copping, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - Stereo-Optic High Definition Imaging: A New Technology to Understand Bird and Bat Avoidance of Wind Turbines
Evan Adams, Biodiversity Research Institute - Avian Remote Sensing
Shari Matzner, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory