Bioenergy Career Exploration Wheel

The U.S. Department of Energy Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) can help you discover renewable energy career opportunities in the bioenergy industry. Professionals and students from all academic and professional backgrounds and disciplines can find a career working with bioenergy technologies.

Use BETO's Bioenergy Career Exploration Wheel to explore bioenergy industry-related jobs in the following areas:

  • Communications, education, and outreach
  • Engineering and manufacturing
  • Agriculture, life, and physical sciences
  • Operations, management, and business
  • Infrastructure.

BETO's Bioenergy Career Exploration Wheel

Instructions for BETO's Bioenergy Career Exploration Wheel

The first step in mapping your background and experience to a renewable energy career in the bioenergy industry is to start with BETO's Bioenergy Career Exploration Wheel. This graphically depicts how academic concentrations (e.g., liberal arts, sciences, engineering) relate to bioenergy industry sub-sectors (e.g., operations, management, and business, infrastructure).

Clicking on one of the five academic concentration/industry sub-sectors will forward you to the Bioenergy Career Grid, highlighting the career opportunities available within the chosen discipline. From there you can read job descriptions and explore possible career paths.

This tool can be used by people of all stages or levels of academic and professional progression. Hover your cursor over the Bioenergy Career Exploration Wheel to explore how your academic background corresponds to bioenergy industry related careers

This tool is intended to be educational and does not endorse any particular career, university, or private business. This tool is not a listing tool for job opportunities at the U.S. Department of Energy or any other federal government agency. The careers listed in this tool are transferable skills or job positions referenced by the U.S. Department of Labor.