Safety Culture Improvement Panel Membership


  • Co-Chairs:
    • The Director for Environment, Health Safety and Security
    • A representative from one of the existing PSO-designated SCIP members (nominated from the existing SCIP voting members and voted on by the SCIP)
  • A Senior Manager and a Field Element Representative designated by each PSO[1]
  • The DOE Facility Representative (FR) of the Year Award recipient[2]
  • The DOE Safety System Oversight (SSO) Annual Award recipient[3] 


  • Executive Secretary[4]
  • The Chief of Nuclear Safety for each PSO
  • The Chief of Defense Nuclear Safety for each PSO
  • The Chief Learning Officers (DOE and NNSA)
  • The Director, Office of Health and Safety[5]
  • The Director, Office of Management
  • The Chief Human Capital Officer
  • The Chief Financial Officer
  • Subject Matter Experts for Safety Conscious Work Environment (SCWE), safety culture, or organizational culture as designated by a PSO or EHSS-1
  • Invited Federal subject matter experts for safety culture & SCWE

All members or their representatives must be Federal Employees.


The SCIP finds it beneficial to have outside safety culture experts who are not Federal employees visit and lend their expertise to the SCIP, including making presentations and answering questions.  These experts may come from organizations such as the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO), the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), and the Energy Facilities Contractors Group (EFCOG), the National Association of Employee Concerns Professionals (NAECP), Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO), or others.

Non-Federal guests cannot be part of the panel deliberations.


1For the purposes of the SCIP Charter, PSOs include:  National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EE), Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management (EM), Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy (FE), Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy (NE), Assistant Secretary for Science (SC)
2Serves on a one-year term
3Serves on a one-year term
4Designated by the Director for Environment, Health, Safety and Security (EHSS)
5Responsible for the Office of Primary Interest for the safety culture related directives and guidance