Fact #953: November 28, 2016 On-road Transportation Consumes More than 80% of all Transportation Energy

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Together, light vehicles and medium/heavy trucks and buses consume 82.1% of the energy used in the transportation sector. Those on-road vehicles use mainly gasoline and diesel fuel. Of the other modes, air transportation’s use of jet fuel and aviation gasoline accounts for 7.8% of transportation energy use, while water, rail, and pipeline account for less than 5% each.

Transportation Energy Use by Mode and Fuel Type, 2014

Graph showing transportation energy use by mode and fuel type in 2014

Fact #953 Dataset

Supporting Information

Share of Transportation Energy Use by Mode, 2014
Light VehiclesMed/Heavy Trucks & BusesAirWaterPipelineRailTotal


Share of Transportation Energy Use by Mode and Fuel Type, 2014
Fuel TypeLight VehiclesMed/Heavy Trucks & BusesAirWaterPipelineRail
Jet fuel0.0%0.0%98.8%0.0%0.0%0.0%
Natural gas0.0%0.3%0.0%0.0%77.4%0.0%

Note: LPG=liquefied petroleum gas. LPG use is small and not visible on the figure.
Source: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Transportation Energy Data Book: Edition 35, October 2016, Figure 2.6.

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