The Water Power Technologies Office, intends to issue a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) to support the research, testing, and development of innovative technologies capable of generating renewable, environmentally responsible and cost-effective electricity from U.S. water resources. These include marine and hydrokinetic (MHK) technologies that harness the energy from waves and ocean/tidal/river currents. The MHK sub-program of the Office has the opportunity to focus on the technologies that can be deployed in markets with high energy costs in the near-term, while supporting next generation technologies that have the potential to be cost competitive with other energy generation technologies in the longer term, and this FOA targets technologies in both categories.
This FOA will solicit applications that propose projects supporting MHK research and development in two Topic Areas:
Topic Area 1: "Wave Energy Converters System Advancement" seeks to design and build high energy capture wave energy converters and conduct scaled fully operational system testing in open water.
Topic Area 2: "Open Topic – MHK Technology Development" seeks to develop innovative technologies that have the potential to significantly advance MHK technologies and the state of the MHK industry.