PROJECT PROFILE: University of Central Florida (PVRD)

Project Name: Enabling Efficiencies Greater than 22.5% with Metal Oxide Passivated Contacts Using Low-Cost In-Line Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition
Funding Opportunity: PVRD
SunShot Subprogram: Photovoltaics
Location: Orlando, FL
SunShot Award Amount: $1,125,000
Awardee Cost Share: $125,000
Project Investigator: Kris Davis

This project aims to increase module efficiency and reduce manufacturing costs by transferring lab-scale heterojunction passivated contact technology into the high-volume manufacturing of industrial-scale crystalline silicon (c-Si) cells. The target efficiency for these cells is 22.5%, which will create a lower cost alternative to cells currently on the market by reducing the wafer-to-cell conversion cost by 13% compared to today’s manufacturing methods.


The research team will integrate hole-selective passivated contacts into p-type c-Si PV cells as a more efficient, lower cost alternative to aluminum back surface field and passivated emitter and rear cells (PERC). Wafer-to-cell conversion cost will be reduced by 13% compared to PERC cells by employing atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition, a deposition technology that is already regularly used to deposit dopant sources at several high-volume c-Si PV manufacturers.


This project will produce highly efficient solar cells at a rate higher than 600 wafers per hour, greatly reducing manufacturing costs. This has the potential to bring the technology to the SunShot levelized cost of energy goal of $0.06 per kilowatt hour.