PROJECT PROFILE: Solar-Plus-Storage: Removing Barriers through Cost-Optimization and Market Characterization (SuNLaMP)

Funding Program: SuNLaMP
SunShot Subprogram: Soft Costs
Location: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO
SunShot Award Amount: $1,203,909

This project examines cost-optimal system configurations for solar-plus-storage through data-driven, model-based analysis, which will be used to create customer adoption classification for these systems. The analysis will be completed through data collection from existing solar-plus-storage projects, world-class NREL modeling tools, innovative methodologies to identify optimal configurations at the project level, and stakeholder engagement.


The research team will identify a group of subject matter experts to act as project advisors, who will verify research questions, vet the methodology, review the matrix of scenarios that will be explored through the modeling, review model input parameters, and provide input on results.


This project gives the solar industry data-driven analysis results that identify cost-effective technology applications and new value streams and key markets for storage. It also provides decision-makers with policy and regulatory options to create market conditions that support system resiliency and reliability.