Submit Your Comments for the Quadrennial Energy Review by TODAY, July 1
Advanced Manufacturing & Industrial Decarbonization
July 1, 2016Submit Your Comments for the Quadrennial Energy Review by TODAY, July 1
Help America meet its objectives of reliable, affordable, and clean energy by submitting your comments to the Quadrennial Energy Review (QER) – An Integrated Study of the Electricity System. Comments are due TODAY, July 1, 2016.
The QER is an assessment of the changing energy landscape in the United States. The goal of the QER, carried out in a series of four installments, is to enable the federal government to translate policy goals into analysis-based, integrative actions.
Click here to learn more about the QER.
SAVE THE DATE: IACMI Semi-Annual Members Meeting – July 26-28
IACMI’s 2016 Members Meeting will be held in Indiana on July 26-28, 2016. The meeting will showcase IACMI road mapping efforts, members, partnerships, projects and advancements in the five key technology areas.
Meeting sessions will be held in the Indianapolis Downtown Marriott conference rooms. A guest room block has been secured for meeting attendees at the rate of $154 per night. This rate is available for July 23-31, 2016. To secure the IACMI discount, you must reserve your room by July 6, 2016.
Click here to make your reservation.
Please note this is a member’s only event. Contact [email protected] with questions.
White House Impact Report Highlights National Network for Manufacturing Innovation
On June 21, the White House released an Impact Report titled “100 Examples of President Obama’s Leadership in Science, Technology, and Innovation.” Listed among the achievements are nine Manufacturing Innovation Institutes supported by more than $600 million in federal investment and matched by more than $1.2 billion in non-federal investment.
AMO has already awarded three Manufacturing Innovation Institutes to advance clean energy technologies through the Obama Administration’s National Network for Manufacturing Innovation. Our latest funding opportunity announcement supports the establishment of a Clean Energy Manufacturing Innovation Institute to reduce life-cycle energy consumption and carbon emissions associated with industrial-scale materials production by creating new technologies for reuse, recycling, and remanufacturing. View the funding opportunity and submission instructions HERE.
Smart Manufacturing: Transforming American Manufacturing with Information Technology
Last week, President Obama announced that the Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition (SMLC) will lead the new Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute, in partnership with the Department of Energy. The coalition will bring together over $140 million in public-private investment and a consortium of nearly 200 partners from across academia, industry, and non-profits, all with the goal of improving energy efficiency and productivity across U.S. manufacturing.
To learn more about how technologies developed by the smart manufacturing institute will make U.S. manufacturing more productive, energy efficient, and competitive, watch the video and read our blog here.
To read the full announcement, click on the White House fact sheet on President Obama’s announcement of investments in new manufacturing hubs.
AMO Better Plants Partners Recognized at Industrial Energy Technology Conference
AMO Director Dr. Mark Johnson delivered keynote remarks at the 2016 Industrial Energy Technology Conference (IETC). Better Plants Challenge partners, Celanese Corporation and Eastman Chemical Company, and The Dow Chemical Company, a Better Plants Program partner, were recognized for their energy efficiency accomplishments. Representatives from all three companies were recognized in front of an audience of more than 100 of their industry peers during the May event.
To read more about the Industrial Energy Technology Conference, read our blog here.
AMO Director Delivers Keynote at Copper Development Association Spring Meeting
AMO Director Dr. Mark Johnson recently delivered the keynote address at the Copper Development Association’s (CDA) Spring Meeting in New York City. He addressed many partnership opportunities that copper manufacturers, fabricators, and distributors can pursue with AMO. CDA is a US-based, not-for-profit association of the global copper industry, influencing the use of copper and copper alloys through research, development and education, as well as technical and end-user support.
Read more about Mark’s presentation in our blog here.
DOE Announces $16 Million for 54 Projects to Help Commercialize Promising Energy Technologies
The U.S. Department of Energy announced nearly $16 million in funding to help businesses move promising energy technologies from DOE’s National Laboratories to the marketplace. This first Department-wide round of funding through the Technology Commercialization Fund (TCF) will support 54 projects at 12 national labs involving 52 private-sector partners.
The TCF is administered by DOE’s Office of Technology Transitions (OTT), with support from various DOE offices including the Advanced Manufacturing Office.
Read the full press release here.
Southwest Energy Efficiency Project Recognized Strategic Energy Management (SEM) Program
Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (SWEEP) acknowledged Strategic Energy Management (SEM) programs as a training and incentive program to help customers develop the key systems for optimizing their own energy use. SEM programs also help utilities achieve more consistent energy savings from industrial customers as well as improved customer satisfaction. There are currently at least 15 utility/ratepayer-funded SEM programs in the U.S. and Canada.
Read SWEEP’s blog post in its entirety, here.
There are online SEM training modules that can be licensed from the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance. Also, DOE’s eGuide is an excellent free resource.