DOE and Advisory Board Recognize Retiring Members for Service

Two ORSSAB members were recognized for service at the board's January 13 meeting.

Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management

February 25, 2016
minute read time

The Oak Ridge Site Specific Advisory Board (ORSSAB) and the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Oak Ridge Environmental Management (EM) Program recognized two retiring members at its January meeting. ORSSAB members Lisa Hagy of Alcoa and Corkie Staley of Oak Ridge served four years on the board. ORSSAB is a federally chartered citizens’ panel that provides recommendations to DOE’s Oak Ridge EM Program.

“We thank you for your service,” said Susan Cange, the board’s DOE Deputy Designated Federal Officer and Manager of the Oak Ridge EM Program. “I myself will miss you, and I know the entire board feels the same way.”

Board chair Belinda Price also thanked the pair for their time. “Your contributions are appreciated. You have both been instrumental in the success of our board.”

Hagy works as a financial services representative with First Tennessee Bank and supports a number of local causes and community organizations as a volunteer, including United Way, and has also served on a domestic abuse shelter board.

Staley retired as a teacher from Oak Ridge City Schools in 2011. She is a past president of the Oak Ridge Education Association and a past member of the Tennessee Education Association Board of Directors. An advocate for community enrichment, Staley currently serves on a committee for the Center for Oak Ridge Oral History and supports its efforts to collect and preserve the story of Oak Ridge as told by its citizens. Staley’s four-year term on the board was preceded by a two-year term from 2000 to 2002, bringing her total service on the board to six years.

ORSSAB meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m., at the DOE Information Center, Way, Oak Ridge, Tenn. Information about the board is available on the web at or by calling (865) 241-4583 or 241-4584.

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