Title: Integrating System to Edge-of-Network Architecture and Management for SHINES (SEAMS) Technologies on High Penetration Grids
Funding Opportunity: Sustainable and Holistic Integration of Energy Storage and Solar PV
SunShot Subprogram: Systems Integration
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii
Amount Awarded: $2,437,500
Awardee Cost Share: $2,437,500
Hawaiian Electric Company will demonstrate successful distributed photovoltaics (PV), energy storage, and dynamic load control deployments and will show the system-level benefits of enhanced utility visibility and control of distribution system/edge-of-network electricity resources. This project will enable proliferation of a reliable base of SHINES (PV and storage) distributed technologies that offer more plug-and-play customer options for grid participation, and provide cost-effective “grid response” capabilities to system operators.
This project will explore a new solution called SEAMS (System to Edge-of-Network Architecture and Management for SHINES) to better integrate and manage the impact of PV and storage systems will have on the grid. Using the SEAMS approach, an interdisciplinary team will design and demonstrate new energy management system logics to “see and interface” with distribution-system level, customer-hosted electricity resources. The team will develop and deploy integrated technologies with edge-of-network data, communication, and forecasting support and demonstrate SEAMS intelligence to “practically” manage distribution level issues introduced by high penetration PV and solar variability. The team will also evaluate cost effectiveness of distributed assets and integrated SEAMS capabilities to support reliable grid transformation needs.
Existing utility energy management systems are unable to gain visibility into the distributed generation resources and treats all behind-the-meter resources as load reduction (negative load). By using state-of-the-art, short-term forecasting and numerical weather prediction tools, the SEAMS solution can enable grid-responsive controls and help link the performance of distributed assets with that of the utility systems. If successful, this new technology will improve utility confidence in SHINES technologies through hands-on experience with the distributed technologies when integrated at the system operator level. It will also demonstrate to system operators the practicality and cost-effectiveness of SEAMS integration at new greenfield and retrofit sites. In addition, the project encourages collaboration between utility/system operator partners and industry/technology providers and could lead to scalable technology innovations that increase overall system efficiency and improve customer benefits.
Download the presentation from HECO at the SHINES Technical Kickoff Meeting.