The Fuel Cell Technologies Office will present a live webinar titled "Hydrogen Equipment Certification Guide" on Thursday, December 10, from 1 to 2 p.m. EST. The webinar will introduce the Hydrogen Equipment Certification Guide, a document intended to ...
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office
December 2, 2015The Fuel Cell Technologies Office will present a live webinar titled "Hydrogen Equipment Certification Guide" on Thursday, December 10, from 1 to 2 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST.) The webinar will introduce the Hydrogen Equipment Certification Guide, a document intended to aid in equipment approval until listed equipment are available for the entirety of equipment and components. Additionally, the webinar will begin a public comment phase of the document for soliciting stakeholder feedback in preparation for a September 2016 release. The Guide is intended to be used by (1) authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs) to support their determination of approval where approved equipment is either required or allowed by the codes, and in instances where the code may otherwise require the use of listed or labeled equipment, and (2) by designers, manufacturers, fabricators, installers, operators, distributors, or others for facilities designated for hydrogen fuel storage, distribution, dispensing, and use where compliance with the requirements of the model codes is paramount. Use of the Guide can assist these users in meeting the necessary requirements to ensure the safe use of hydrogen fuel and to obtain the necessary AHJ approvals of facilities, systems, equipment, and services that require approval in the permitting process.