Quality Assurance Checklists for Energy.gov Web Requirements

For Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) websites, use these quality assurance (QA) checklists for websites and web pages in Energy.gov's content management system (CMS) to ensure they meet mandatory requirements:

Page-by-Page Checklist

To ensure individual web pages meet all of EERE's requirements, use this QA checklist for general users to review individual web pages before they go live.

General Requirements

 Content has been reviewed for spelling
 The summary field is filled in
 Pages have appropriate intro text
 Page is in the correct groups audience
 All links work
 Internal links use node IDs
 Images have descriptive alt text
 Hero images are at least 1000px wide
 Optional, but preferred: Hero images are landscape, not portrait
 Links to PDF files on energy.gov go to the download pages, not directly to the PDF
 Colored graphics have sufficient contrast to meet Section 508 requirements
 Graphics do not flash in the range of 4 to 59 flashes per second
 Data tables designate which cells are headers (Right-click in the cell to bring up the cell > cell properties, then select "header" under cell type)


Article Pages

 The article type has been selected
 Optional: If article needs to be pulled into a listing, it has the required topic, office-specific topic, or keyword


Contributor / Person Pages

 Hero images are at least 1000px wide
 Optional, but preferred: Hero images are landscape, not portrait
 Headshots are either cropped as a square or a horizontal rectangle with the subject centered
 Headshots are at least 500px wide
 The name, title, summary, and biography fields are filled in



 PDFs follow EERE's optimization requirements
 The summary field and body text are filled in
 The title of the page is descriptive and does not use the file name (for example, annual_report.pdf)
 The link text is descriptive and does not use the file name


Event Pages

 The event type is selected
 Date includes both start and end date and/or time
 Time is in correct time zone
 Any topics, office-specific topics, or keywords required for the event listing are entered


Website Checklist

Use this QA checklist to ensure new or redesigned energy.gov websites meet EERE's requirements.

General Requirements

 Multimedia is responsive
 Videos have been uploaded to the DOE YouTube channel

Optional, but recommended: If site has left nav, pages are either

  • Added to left nav with a navigation label, or
  • Added to left nav with a hidden navigation label to keep the appropriate portion of navigation open


Left Rail

 Left rail navigation has been approved by the EERE Digital Team
 Navigation labels do not exceed three levels
 Navigation labels do not exceed two lines of text


Video Pages

 Video has been uploaded to DOE's YouTube channel
 Video page is in the correct groups audience
 The video's text version has been copied into the "transcript" field
 The summary field is filled in