Edwin "Doc" Parks

Edwin "Doc" Parks, Team Leader, Archives and Information Management Team

Dr. Parks is Director of the Office of Business Operations (OBO). OBO is responsible for managing LM’s real and personal property program and its records and information associated with more than 100 sites in the United States and the territory of Puerto Rico that are closed and no longer support a DOE mission.

Prior to becoming the OBO Director, Parks served as the Archives and Information Management Team supervisor, the LM Program Records official, the authorizing official, the Freedom of Information Act point-of-contact, and the federal official accountable for risks associated with LM’s information systems. Parks joined LM in September 2010, as a Records Management program analyst, providing ongoing analytical support for records and information programs, policies, procedures, plans, cost, and operational analyses. 

Parks served more than 27 years of active-duty military service with the U.S. Air Force (USAF), serving a broad range of command and staff positions in nuclear operations policy, budgeting, training, and program management. He has worked for Headquarters USAF, the Joint Staff, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, and numerous USAF units. Parks earned his doctorate in public administration from the University of La Verne in California. He holds master’s degrees in human resource management from Central Michigan University and national security strategy from National Defense University, Washington, D.C. He also holds a bachelor degree in elementary education from Trenton State College in New Jersey.